GATE College System Introduces First-Ever, Comprehensive Online College Admissions & Test Prep Solution, Equalizing Access for Students of All Socioeconomic Levels

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- At a time when the college admissions process is more confusing, competitive and costly than ever, GATE College System proudly announces the national launch of its pilot program benefitting first generation and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Interested districts, schools and teen organizations are encouraged to join the 100+ schools and organizations nationwide already approved to offer GATE's college admissions program this 2017-2018 school year. Data taken from registered schools and organizations will be used to help major philanthropic foundations solve access challenges across the U.S.

"We all recognize the unfairness when parents who can afford private tutors and test prep courses give their children such a decided advantage over those that cannot," says Pamela Donnelly, Founder and CEO of GATE College System. "I knew there had to be a solution for all of the students struggling without access to information, strategies and resources that could make all the difference in helping them gain admission to right-fit colleges."

Developed by Donnelly and a team of 26 highly qualified educators, high school curriculum developers and digital training experts, GATE's college admissions tool ensures students improve study skills and increase Grade Point Averages (GPAs); create competitive college Applications; maximize ACT and SAT Test scores; and optimize student admissions Essays. Expert tutors support students throughout the entire step-by-step online process in video instruction, interactive lessons, games and practice tests. Students can access GATE across all devices, which allows for on-the-go learning.

Students enrolled in GATE College System's pilot programming over the past two years reported on average: 1) 170-point increase on SAT test scores; 2) 5.7-point increase on ACT scores; and 3) acceptance to nine out of eleven colleges to which they applied. In addition, GATE students have reported receiving an average of $35-40,000 in cumulative merit-based financial aid.

"The education system wasn't designed to exacerbate such inequities, but unfortunately that's how it has evolved. My investors, co-educators and I knew that a revolutionary, affordable solution was necessary to level the playing field for all students. The American Dream should not be for sale," asserts Donnelly.

Chief Academic Officers, District Supervisors, Educators, Administrators, and non-profit organizations dedicated to supporting teens in academic outcomes interested in learning more or applying for the pro bono pilot program are invited to opt in at

Media Note: Video B-Roll, high-res. Images and contact information for Dr. Mojas, GATE students, parents, and other sources quoted herein are available upon request.

SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Board, and ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Neither the College Board nor ACT, Inc. is affiliated with GATE or endorses the Service. Use of the SAT® and ACT® marks by the Service is nominative only, and such trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

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SOURCE GATE College System