Snakes Climbing Up Your Toilet is Just an Urban Legend Right? According to Major Media, It is More Real than You Imagined!

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Most people believed that stories about creatures coming out of toilets were just an urban myth. However, thanks to more media coverage dedicated to the topic and big media outlets such as National Geographic focusing more on the issue, the situation has begun to change. Today a quick Google search can provide hundreds of examples of how dangerous this problem can be.

Every day, more and more people realize how important it is to protect their health from dangerous creatures invading their toilets. However, with many of the tools available on the market being easily breakable, difficult to install and unreliable a lot of people give up and can't find better alternatives. We do a lot to protect our homes from dangerous and dirty vermin entering through windows, doors, and chimneys and we should stop them from getting into our toilet pipes just as much.

Luckily there are better ways to protect your home and health. Thanks to the newest technology, Totet Safety Valve is designed to protect pipes, toilets and hydraulic systems from unwanted visitors. Totet valve blocks the way for different types of creatures to enter pipes, protecting toilet users and homes.

Unlike other tools, Totet Safety Valve mixes air and water and cleans the toilet as it flushes. The new design stops all sorts of creatures, such as rats, snakes, spiders and other vermin from entering the house via the toilet.

Commercial building owners, hotels and construction companies should also look into this innovative solution. Due to the high numbers of visitors in such buildings, the spread of disease is much quicker, and water waste can cost building owners a lot of money. Totet Safety Valve saves up to 50% water consumption in every flush helping big institutions stay eco-friendly and save thousands of dollars on water bills.

The new Totet valve is NSF and BBA certified and can be purchased from

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