eLynx Technologies Introduces Big Data Revolution to Oil and Gas

TULSA, Okla., July 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The company that revolutionized data for the oil and gas industry 20 years ago, eLynx Technologies, is poised to do it all over again -- and this time, the transformation will prove even more profound.

By harnessing Big Data, eLynx data scientists are building tools that tell oilfield professionals what to fix and when, long before the equipment breaks; that pinpoint what needs to be done, in real-time, to make wells work more efficiently; that turn oilfields into high-performing models of productivity and thrift, places where waste shrinks and valuable reservoirs grow. In other words, eLynx is giving industry partners priceless windows into the future.

"We have been leaning forward with data for nearly 20 years, working with hundreds of companies to use data to enhance efficiencies, conserve valuable resources and increase revenues. But our new team of data scientists is using data today in ways we could not imagine even five years ago," said Steve Jackson, eLynx's founder and CEO. "This is bold, one-of-a-kind innovation in any industry, and we are proud to introduce our science and tools to the best group of companies, entrepreneurs and leaders in the world."

Steve and eLynx are betting the thriving Tulsa company's future on Big Data. The single-minded commitment to innovation even drove Steve to create an off-site facility for the analytics team, to keep the scientists free from distractions. The intense work already has led to partnerships with industry leaders, and product roll-out is anticipated to begin within 60 days.

"I was a founding member of PricewaterhouseCoopers Analytics practice before joining eLynx, and encountered plenty of industries with impressive analytics challenges. But I never before had encountered data as robust, exhaustive and clean as what we found with eLynx," said Alex Mannella, eLynx's Chief Analytics Officer. "Given the potential for making real, positive change, I did not hesitate to move to Tulsa when eLynx offered a position leading the analytics work. We are engaged with extraordinary, consequential data science here."

eLynx was the first company to truly show oil and gas that data mattered. Now, the team is ready to demonstrate that data matters even more -- that it transforms.

To schedule time to speak to members of the analytics team, please contact: Douglas Brown, doug@campfirecontent.com, 303-241-0141.

View original content with multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/elynx-technologies-introduces-big-data-revolution-to-oil-and-gas-300683282.html

SOURCE eLynx Technologies