Embraer S.A. Material Fact

SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, July 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Embraer S.A. ("Embraer" or "Company"), (Publicly-Held Company, Corporate Taxpayers' Registry (CNPJ/MF) No. 07.689.002/0001-89, Board of Trade (NIRE) No. 35.300.325.761) in compliance with the applicable regulation, informs its shareholders and the Market that, under the terms of article 2 of Law no. 8,437/1992, the Company has been summoned to offer a written statement regarding the preliminary injunction sought in a class action filed by Paulo Roberto Severo Pimenta, Carlos Alberto Rolim Zarattini, Nelson Vicente Portella Pellegrino e Vicente Cândido da Silva, against the Federal Government of Brazil and the Company ("Class Action"). The subject matter of the Class Action is the negotiations between the Company and The Boeing Co. ("Boeing") within the context of the potential combination of businesses, in accordance with the Material Fact released on July 5, 2018. The injunctive reliefs sought by plaintiffs involve, among others, the suspension of such negotiations.

The Company informs that it will take all required measures to exercise its right of defense before the court of competent jurisdiction.

The Company will keep its shareholders and the Market informed on any material developments related to the Class Action.

Nelson Salgado
Vice-President and Investors Relations Officer

Embraer Investor Relations
Tel: +55 12 3927-1000

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/embraer-sa-material-fact-300688835.html

SOURCE Embraer S.A.