Study Showing Caregivers' Tendency to Neglect Oral Health Care Underscores the Importance of Regular Dental Visits for All, says A-Z Dental Care

WEST COVINA, Calif., Nov. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- A November 8 article at Pew discusses a recent poll that indicated that one-third of caregivers - primarily family members who are looking after an ill or aged loved one - were not taking advantage of regular dental visits for themselves. The article notes that fewer caregivers were neglecting other types of health care. West Covina based A-Z Dental Care says that it is essential for the public to start thinking of dentistry as important medical care, not an optional frill.

The dental office says that it understands that most of us are very busy people with a great deal to think about, but we need to understand that, along with daily tooth brushing and flossing, regularly scheduled exams and teeth cleaning are an essential aspect of self-care. Most people may not spend a lot of time each day thinking about their teeth and gums but A-Z Dental Care says that, when problems ranging from intense oral pain to halitosis or loose or floating teeth emerge, they become very hard not to think about. When issues like tooth decay progress too far, even active measures such as root canals sometimes cannot save teeth and extraction becomes the only recourse. Losing teeth, in turn, fosters bone loss and can increase the odds of other teeth becoming seriously compromised and in need of extraction, says the office.

Losing a lot of teeth might sound like a nightmare scenario in itself, says A-Z Dental Care, but they can at least by very effectively addressed with dental implants. However, such issues as periodontal (gum) problems have been associated with numerous serious illnesses. These include heart disease and diabetes; moreover, says the firm, a dentist is also the first line of defense against oral cancers which can be deadly and result in the need for disfiguring surgeries that can require years of reconstruction. Obviously, then, regular dental visits can not only help a person's quality of life, they can save it, says the dental office.

A-Z Dental Care notes that one very typical reason a lot of people put off seeing a dentist is concern about the expense. The office says that it is committed to providing outstanding, gentle dental care affordably, including offering special discounts, payment plans, and free first-time consultations. It adds that serious dental problems are not only painful and dangerous, they are very expensive to fix. Prevention of dental woes is not only better than a cure, says the clinic, it is a lot less expensive.

Readers from throughout the San Gabriel Valley Area who would like to learn more about A-Z Dental Care in West Covina are invited to call 626-966-8408 or visit the office's website at

SOURCE A-Z Dental Care