Freshmen U(TM) Supports Social Distancing and Encourages College Students and Faculty to Maintain Current Social Connections Digitally - Augmented Reality App Designed Exclusively for Higher Learning Environments

SAINT JOHN, Ind., April 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Freshmen U(TM) ( ) recently announced that it had retooled and redesigned its popular college social networking app to help students stay connected during the current global health crisis. Developed by Flying Eye Reality, Inc., Freshmen U(TM) allows students to digitally engage with others on a virtual campus, meeting new friends and faculty in a safe, closed digital environment while physically remaining in the comfort and security of home. Physical social distancing is important to help decrease the spread of COVID-19, but social connections are also a critical lifeline for students who are quarantined, perhaps for months. Freshmen U(TM) is the perfect bridge between the need for students to be both safe and connected.

"When we originally developed Freshmen U(TM), we tapped into a 21(st) century desire for students to meet safely and digitally before meeting in person," said Ray Shingler, Director of Development. "We could never have imagined how useful our app would be during a worldwide pandemic. But we felt it was our responsibility to help, so we've retooled our technology into a social support network that can help alleviate some of the stress students feel from being forced to leave campus and return home for a while. And these are connections that can be maintained even when this world health crisis is over."

Freshmen U(TM) Features: Retooled for Social Distancing Requirements

    --  Safe and Secure: Freshmen U(TM) requires an EDU email to sign up,
        ensuring that only verified students can use the app, providing an extra
        layer of security.
    --  Inherent Social Distancing: Because Freshmen U(TM) is a digital meeting
        place, with activities that occur completely and totally in cyberspace,
        the social distancing required during worldwide quarantines and
        lockdowns is utterly maintained. Students are safely interacting,
        without fear of spreading COVID-19.
    --  "My Color Code(TM)": Students create an in-depth profile answering 16
        fun questions about their personality, social environment, inspirations
        and activities. Freshmen U(TM) assigns each student a unique color code,
        then uses this social ice-breaker system to accurately connect students
        with other like-minded online individuals.
    --  Augmented Reality: Verified students drop GPS-located digital pictures
        and videos on the virtual campus. Other students can find the floating
        content around their current location: rating, commenting and sending
        friend requests while interacting with social content of their own. This
        motivates all students to both maintain current social connections while
        meeting new people.
    --  Friends Manager: An easy search function allows users to view lists of
        other students and faculty currently using the app on the virtual

Colleges and universities across the world are encouraging students and faculty to maintain digital social ties as best they can until quarantines are lifted and physical campus life can resume. Freshmen U(TM) is the perfect answer to this 21(st) century dilemma.

The app can be directly downloaded from iTunes HERE.

About Flying Eye Reality, Inc.

Flying Eye Reality is a software development company that utilizes the innovative power of its patent pending augmented reality supportive socialization platform. Flying Eye Reality's flagship app, Spotselfie(TM), is poised to redefine social networking on college campuses throughout the United States, and eventually: the world. Learn more at:

Media Contact:

Ray Shingler
Director of Development
219 309-7048

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SOURCE Flying Eye Reality, Inc.