A New Article Explains Why The Place Where The Car Is Parked During Nighttime Can Affect Car Insurance Prices

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Cheapquotesautoinsurance.com has launched a new blog post that explains how the place where the vehicle is parked during the night can affect the car insurance rates.

For more info and free quotes, visit https://cheapquotesautoinsurance.com/overnight-parking-place-car-insurance/

Drivers that apply for car insurance are very likely to be asked about the place where they park their vehicles during the night. Insurers believe that the place where the vehicle is parked at night can increase or decrease the chances for that car to be stolen or damaged. Depending on how safe an overnight parking place is considered, the price of car insurance can increase or decrease.

The most common overnight parking places are the following:

    --  On the street. Overnight parking on the street can be very dangerous. In
        this scenario, the chances for a vehicle to be damaged or stolen are
        quite high. Vandals and car thieves can easily operate while being
        protected by the night. Policyholders that have no other choice than
        parking their cars on the street will pay more on their premiums.
    --  Monitored parking lots. Instead of leaving their cars parked in places
        that are unprotected, drivers should consider parking in a monitored
        parking lot. Also, many parking lots have video surveillance that will
        deter most thieves from trying to steal a vehicle.
    --  In a garage. Garages are the best places for overnight parking. Well
        monitored and secured garages can drastically reduce the chances for a
        vehicle to be stolen, damaged by weather events, or vandalized. For
        these reasons, most insurance companies will apply a discount to those
        policyholders that keep their cars parked in a garage. In most cases,
        the offered discount is around 5% of the price of the policy.

For additional info, money-saving tips, and free car insurance quotes, visit https://cheapquotesautoinsurance.com/

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SOURCE Cheapquotesautoinsurance.com