1Rivet Announces New Enhancements to 1DataServices Application

RESTON, Va., Oct. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- A newly enhanced 1DataServices application from 1Rivet allows businesses to quickly reconcile data with no manual programming during large-scale IT integrations, the merging of systems, or testing efforts (parallel, user acceptance, end-to-end, etc.).

The application, which takes only minutes to configure and deploy, performs data quality checks across production and test systems and automatically validates and reconciles data. Ensuring a customer's name, account balance, SSN, and status within the core system is the same across all up and downstream systems is a simple example of 1DataServices' capabilities.

"Today, companies spend tons of money trying to reconcile this data and more importantly, trying to find where errors occur," said 1Rivet CEO Eric Middleton. "1DataServices quickly shows the user where the data point is wrong (down the penny) and in which system it is incorrect."

1Rivet created 1DataServices, an all-inclusive cloud-based, data-focused platform, in response to a growing need for standardized data reconciliation and testing tools at the data-element level. The application streamlines and reconciles data across platforms and provides summary reporting that quickly identifies discrepancies across any number of configured systems.

"People typically create their own frameworks to validate data, verify data quality, or to reconcile data across systems, so we're expanding 1DataService to be a testing platform that can be leveraged as a part of a business's DevOps toolchain," said 1Rivet Chief Technology Officer Krishna Nair. "Traditionally, communications between data systems involve writing and developing code. With 1DataServices, companies can now configure and deploy data services in five to 10 minutes, refocusing on results rather than coding."

"Any company that contains data across multiple systems can use 1DataServices as a standard tool for data testing, data profiling, data quality and data integration," said Nair. "We want 1DataServices to be a one-stop-shop for a data quality, testing and integration."

1DataServices can be configured without a technical understanding of the underlying systems. It checks the quality of data moving across systems on demand or via a schedule, providing a dashboard and detail view of data health, alerting users to issues as they arise and identifying trends that develop over time.

1DataServics is already available, with a product roadmap defined for the coming year and releases scheduled quarterly. In Q4, 1Rivet will release a new 1DataServices module that builds REST APIs with little to no coding.

Please contact 1Rivet for a demo.

About 1Rivet

Working from offices in Washington, D.C., New York, Toronto and Valsad, India, the company's three core divisions offer:

Strategic Technology - IT mergers, acquisitions and integrations; cloud-based innovations including machine learning, AI and IOT; application design and implementation; data visualization and analytics; delivery management and customer experience.

Talent Acquisition - Strategic hires, contract-to-hires and scalable workforce solutions.

Strategic Outsourcing - Development and testing, project management, customer service, IT help desk, mail room, shipping and receiving, executive administrative support, reception, concierge, hospitality supply services, facilities, managed ED print services, imaging and records management, audio, visual and conference room management.

Visit them at www.1Rivet.com

Dona DeZube
Director of Communications
(443) 538-1767

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