Magnolia ISD Partners with TEAMS ERP

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Prologic Technology Systems, a leader in K-12 school district Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), announced Magnolia Independent School District has selected TEAMS ERP as their preferred solution for Finance, Human Resource, and Student Management. "TEAMS is an all-in-one school management system that will give us efficiencies in all areas of operations from automating complex Human Resources processes, to building district budgets, and managing student information. We are excited to partner with TEAMS as they offered us the best complete solution that meets the goals of our district," stated Superintendent Dr. Todd Stephens.

TEAMS offers a solution that eliminates integration with many 3(rd) party applications, streamlines and automates core processes, with an increased efficiency to manage and operate over time. Because TEAMS is a web-based solution, not web-enabled, employees need only a web browser to access TEAMS, either on campus, or remotely with no difference in appearance or functionality from when they are on campus. Dr. Erich Morris, assistant superintendent of operations, said, "I am excited about transitioning to a system that will more adequately meet our needs as a growing organization. We wanted a system that was fully automated and intuitive that allows us to quickly export data for state and local reporting purposes."

About Magnolia Independent School District:
Magnolia ISD provides an educational environment to approximately 13,000 students, offering a well-balanced curriculum including advanced academics, concurrent college and high school enrollment credit, career and technical career paths, early childhood and a strong academic core. We provide an educational environment that enables all students to develop essential academic skills for a lifetime of learning and prepares students to be responsible, contributing citizens in a diverse and changing world.

Media Contact:
Denise Meyers

About TEAMS by Prologic:
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Prologic Technology Systems has been solely focused on delivering intelligent software solutions to the K-12 market since 1992. Total Education Administrative Management Solution (TEAMS) seamlessly bridges the silos of finance, human resource and student information into a single, cohesive database capable of real-time reporting and simplified collaboration among district teachers, students, administrators and parents.

Media Contact:
Calvin Williams

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SOURCE Prologic Technology Systems, Inc.