Brandon Frere, Digital Transformation Expert, Talks About Technology Foundations for Businesses

Brandon Frere, Digital Transformation Expert, Talks About Technology Foundations for Businesses

PETALUMA, Calif., April 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Every business needs a solid foundation. For customer-facing roles, the foundation may be good people. However, it's important that those people have the right tools. Brandon Frere, CEO and entrepreneur, leans heavily on technology for such a foundation. With the right technology and the right processes, he believes that his employees will be able to focus on their clients rather than getting distracted by complicated systems.

"Technology is the future of business and can help streamline processes and increase production," said Frere. "I like to be wired in and take advantage of the latest technology to support my employees in giving our customers the best service possible."

Digital systems should be scalable and flexible. Such a foundation is important for preparing for future changes and growth. This requires knowing short-term and long-term goals and general pathways for achieving both. All this should be built on current necessities and functions to ensure that employees have the appropriate tools to excel in their work today.

The nature of technology is that it changes quickly. Any business relying on a digital foundation should be proactive about keeping up with digital advancements and system updates. New tools may be irrelevant to any given business, but others may have the potential to transform processes or offerings for the better.

"An open mind is essential for any business foundation based on technology," said Frere. "Digital transformation efforts don't ever end. A good leader should constantly re-evaluate goals and tweak them to fit with the company mission and culture. The work never ends and that's the way it should be. We don't want to become obsolete. Instead, we want to be the best in the industry and back up that claim with exceptional service."


Brandon Frere is an entrepreneur and businessman who lives in Sonoma County, California. He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers alike. His company website,, is used as a means to communicate many of the lessons, fundamentals and information that he has learned throughout his extensive business and personal endeavors, most recently in advocating on behalf of student loan borrowers nationwide.

As experienced during his own student loan repayment, Mr. Frere found out how difficult it can be to work with federally contracted student loan servicers and the repayment programs designed to help borrowers. Through those efforts, he gained an insider's look into the repayment process and the motivations behind the inflating student loan debt bubble. His knowledge of the confusing landscape of student loan repayment became a vital theme in his future endeavors, and he now uses those experiences to help guide others through the daunting process of applying for available federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs.

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