Lightning Labels Revs Up Press Performance Via New HP Tools

DENVER, June 19, 2018 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Lightning Labels, 16-year-established printer of full-color custom labels and custom stickers of all shapes and sizes, has upgraded their Hewlett-Packard Indigo press operating platform--enabling enhanced print quality, color consistency, and faster turnaround via color calibration and repeatability.

Specifically, the upgrades address color consistency through inline Spectrophotometer monitoring with automated adjustments, and color repeatability through Media Fingerprint (MFP) and 3D Color Calibrations (3DCC). Notes Operations Manager Vic Jubber, "These technology enhancements essentially guarantee delivering superior quality consistently the first time, translating into reliable on-time delivery and spot-on quality."

Jubber elaborates about each improvement:

    --  Spectrophotometer monitoring is an inline color-calibration tool that
        allows for on-press color calibration, on-the-fly during a run. Prime
        advantages are that the press uses information stored in the color
        profile for a particular job; and measures against that profile and the
        pre-press file to ensure the Delta E parameters are within tolerance.
        Delta E is the industry definition of how the eye sees color difference.
        Presses are calibrated to a Delta E of less than 3.0, considered the
        highest optimal visual quality output in the digital industry.
    --  Media Fingerprint (MFP) allows the operator to automatically and
        periodically refresh and/or make changes to a stock profile based on a
        possible vendor change, coating switch, thickness parameter, etc. This
        allows a media (stock) profile to be adjusted in accordance with a run
        that calls for color repeatability and output parameters to meet
        previous settings based on the criteria affecting the media, without
        recreating a new media profile.
    --  3D Color Calibrations (3DCC) provides color calibration within optimal
        Delta E standards. This allows a label order to be color calibrated
        on-the-fly, during production runs, to ensure identical label color
        coverage and consistency throughout the run.

Complementing on-press technology enhancements is a continuing commitment to the environment, also driven by technology. New lights in the plant and less paper going to landfills are chief examples of minimizing waste and carbon footprint.

About Lightning Labels:
Lightning Labels uses state-of-the-art printing technology to provide affordable, full-color custom labels and custom stickers of all shapes and sizes. They offer many options for materials and laminates and special effects to achieve digital short-run requirements (50 minimum) on up to 15 million labels, plus Lightning fast delivery. For more information and to place orders online, visit For the latest in packaging news and labeling promotional offers, find Lightning Labels on, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (@LightningLabels), Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn.

SOURCE Lightning Labels / Print360