#MeToo: 66% of Sexual Harassment Against Women Happens in Public Space - RecordsFinder's FREE Sex Offender Lookup Tool Against Sexual Crimes

BOSTON, Jan. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Now more than a year into the #MeToo movement, the public conversation around consent and harassment remains in the spotlight. At Recordfinder.com, one of the largest and most comprehensive public records databases, we're committed to providing FREE access to our Sex Offender Registry Tool for concerned individuals determined to protect themselves from unwanted advances and everyday violence.

Currently, there are more than 800,000 registered sex offenders residing throughout the country and that number continues to rise.

Let's be clear, for years prominent men have faced sexual misconduct claims. But with the accusations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein a strong, new voice has emerged sparking an international conversation that cannot be ignored.

"We believe that all people should feel safe, respected, and be able to be their best selves and yet, many do not," states Areg Sakanyan, President of Recordsfinder.com. "As sexual misconduct continues to dominate the news, we at Recordfinder.com are committed to providing a valuable resource to help keep the public informed while hopefully reducing the hunting grounds for these unthinkable sexual encounters."

The #MeToo movement has also prompted the re-examination of past sexual misconduct claims by men and women in authoritative roles around the world. Over the years, millions of victims have suffered in silence without having the means to pursue their offenders. It is our goal at Recordfinders.com to share crucial information on the whereabouts of sex offenders in the hope of prevent additional pain and suffering caused by these predatory individuals.

On average there are over 293,000 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year. Many of these crimes are committed by someone the victim knows. Given these circumstances, it's important to recognize the role Recordfinder.com can play in preventing these crimes.

With over 2 billion searchable records, and growing, Recordsfinder.com uncovers criminal records, arrests, legal judgements, court records, bankruptcy filings, and other public records quickly and securely.

About Us
Founded in 2016, Recordsfinder is one of the largest public records databases in the industry with over 2 billion records and growing, dedicated to providing its customers with access to the information and public records databases in an easy-to-use, cost effective format. For additional information visit www.recordsfinder.com or call (800) 433-0567.

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SOURCE Records Finder