Points (Guangzhishu Tech) Awarded as Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum

    --  The World Economic Forum has announced its selection of the 56 most
        promising Technology Pioneers of 2019 who are shaping industries from
        agriculture and cleantech to modern policing and many more.
    --  Companies were selected for their potential to "transform their
        industries" and "improve society for years to come," Fulvia Montresor of
        the World Economic Forum said.
    --  Points, which provides blockchain-based secure computation, made it to
        the selection for its contributions in the field of foundational
        technology of Artificial Intelligence.
    --  The full list of recognized Technology Pioneers can be viewed here.

BEIJING, July 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Points, the Beijing-based company that builds blockchain-based secure computation software, was selected among hundreds of candidates as one of the World Economic Forum's "Technology Pioneers". Points, founded by Sarah Zhang, allows data owners to collaborate on computation tasks such as credit scoring and ad targeting without exposing raw data to each other.

The World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers are early to growth-stage companies from around the world that are involved in the design, development and deployment of new technologies and innovations, and are poised to have a significant impact on business and society.

This year's Tech Pioneers are emerging innovators from a diverse set of industries. These firms are shaping the future by advancing technologies such as AI, IoT, robotics, blockchain, biotechnology and many more. The focus areas of this year's Tech Pioneers include: agtech, smart cities, cleantech, supply chain, manufacturing, cybersecurity, autonomous vehicles and drones. The diversity of these companies extends to their leadership as well, as 25% of 2019 Tech Pioneers are female led. The firms also come from many different regions beyond the United States and Silicon Valley. In fact, this year's class of 56 firms represent every continent except Antarctica. The full list of technology pioneers can be found here.

Following its selection as Technology Pioneer, CEO Sarah Zhang of Points will be participating in the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions. This meeting, also dubbed "Summer Davos" will be held in Dalian, China, July 1-3. Many Pioneers will also attend the Annual Meeting in Davos, in January 2020, and continue to contribute to Forum initiatives over the next two years.

"We're excited to welcome Points to this year's innovative class of technology pioneers," says Fulvia Montresor, Head of Technology Pioneers at the World Economic Forum. "Points and its fellow pioneers are leaders in using novel technologies to transform their industries. We see great potential for these next generation companies to shape solutions to global challenges and improve society for years to come."

"It's great to be acknowledged as pioneer by the World Economic Forum", said Points' Sarah Zhang. "It is a confirmation that our technology is advanced and has great potential to make a positive impact in the world. Our technology provides the right to use data without having to sacrifice the data ownership and privacy. Our early projects help banks to provide better service to the previously underserved by securely making use of data sources across government and enterprises."

The Technology Pioneers were selected by a selection committee of more than 59 academics, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and corporate executives. The committee based its decisions on criteria including innovation, potential impact and leadership. Past recipients include Airbnb, Google, Kickstarter, Mozilla, Palantir Technologies, Spotify, TransferWise, Twitter and Wikimedia.

All info on this year's Technology Pioneers can be found here: http://wef.ch/techpioneers19

More information on past winners can be found here.

About Points: Points provides blockchain-based secure computation software for a range of industries including financial services.

About World Economic Forum: The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. (www.weforum.org).

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/points-guangzhishu-tech-awarded-as-technology-pioneer-by-world-economic-forum-300878394.html