Need for Sophisticated Fire Consulting Highlighted by Risks Posed by Homeless Encampments to Nearby Businesses, says Fire Protection Group Inc.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- A July 25 article on NBC Los Angeles mapped out all of the many known locations of fires related to homeless encampments that occurred in Los Angeles County in 2018, presenting a difficult problem for the area's firefighters and those responsible for nearby structures. The problem is widespread and because of the nature of the issue, extremely tough to prosecute, experts agree. Los Angeles-based firm Fire Protection Group Inc. says that fires started in homeless encampments are just one of the many legitimate threats faced by business and residential properties. Therefore, comprehensive fire protection is essential for the safe and successful operation of all types of structures.
Fire Protection Group notes that, in a great many cases, having a fire sprinkler system installed in a building is a must to minimize damage should a fire break out; fire alarms can do a great deal to minimize the threat to human life by warning occupants to leave the building; and well placed fire extinguishers can often ensure that minor fires can be snuffed well before they become serious. At the same time, no two buildings are exactly the same, and the advice of some of the most respected names in Los Angeles firefighting can help to ensure that such measures are employed in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
The firm says that installing fire sprinklers and other equipment is only half the battle. It notes that it's simply not possible to install equipment and then forget about it, neglecting important maintenance and inspections. NFPA 25 testing and inspections to ensure that buildings are both as safe as possible while being fully compliant with all applicable fire codes and regulations are a must and its team boasts such experts in fire code compliance as its noted fire protection author and expert George Saadian, retired Los Angeles Fire Department chief Al Hernandez, and Captain Bob Holloway, also formerly of the LAFD.
It's a truism in the field of fire protection that having equipment routinely checked to ensure that it is in full working order is every bit as important as installing the equipment in the first place. Fire Protection Group adds that, as part of its comprehensive fire protection services, when repairs are necessary and systems need to be taken offline, it offers complete fire watch services, complete with a fire truck. Whether it's from cooking fires started by homeless individuals, dry brush nearby and hot weather, or an electrical malfunction, the risk of a fire is ever-present. That means that all types of fire safety measures must be ever-present as well, says the consulting firm.
For more information on Fire Protection Group Inc. and the services it offers, including American-made fire suppression systems and inspection services by expert personnel, readers can visit their website at or call (888) 732-4200 to get in touch with their team of fire suppression and safety experts.
SOURCE Fire Protection Group Inc.