Indonesia exports CN 235-220 to Nepal


Jakarta-Indonesia exports the CN235-220 aircraft made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) or PT DI to Nepal. Ferry Flight One unit of aircraft CN235-220 Military Transport orders from Nepalese Army is the realization of the shipment of contracts that have been signed on 16 June 2017 with the contract number MGO/Fixed Wing/073/74/65 between PT IN with the force Land of Nepal.

Production financing for the CN235-220 Military Transport for Nepalese Army is fully financed by the Indonesian Export Financing Board (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank using the National Interest Account (NIA) scheme or export special assignment ( PKE).

The administration of the NIA facility to PT DI is the realization of the Minister of Finance Decree No. 512/KMK. 08/2018 concerning amendment to the Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 649/KMK. 08/2017 on special assignments to the export financing institutions Indonesia to provide aircraft export financing.

The National Interest Account (NIA) is a mandate given by the Government to LPEI to increase product competitiveness and encourage national strategic industries to export to non-traditional countries.

On separate occasions, the Executive director of LPEI Sinthya Roesly conveyed, the export performance of the national industry is crucial for increasing the value of trade balance, for that it takes effort to increase the export value of both the export volume As well as export destination markets.

So the role of government through LPEI to provide special financing can stimulate Indonesia strategic industry to trade (export) to non traditional countries.


Benefits OF LPEI Support to PT DI Indonesia

The success of PT DI in fulfilling Nepal state orders can increase interest for other countries IN aircraft products made in Indonesia.

The export of aircraft to Nepal has a strategic value for PT DI because the satisfaction of overseas customers becomes one of the main requirements in the evaluation of international tenders.

"The support provided by LPEI to PT DI is one of the strategies to demonstrate that the aircraft products made in Indonesia are able to compete in the international market," said Senior Executive Vice President I LPEI Yadi J. Ruchandi.

As one of the government's fiscal tools, LPEI in accordance with the mandate will continue to be unlocking the potential market so that Indonesian exports can penetrate markets to non-traditional countries and increase the capability of exporters to Competed in the global market.

In addition to enhancing the competitiveness of products and encouraging the national strategic industry to export to non traditional countries, the financing support provided to PT DI also has socio-economic benefits for Indonesia.

Production project of one unit of aircraft CN235-220 Military Transport is able to absorb more than 4,000 workers and involve the supporting industry, especially small medium enterprises (SMES) in the country who participated in supplying the need for aircraft development Fly.

Other benefits, in the form of increasing the value of exports as well as the competitiveness of products, especially aircraft products in the international market, so that in the future is expected to be one of Indonesia's flag carrier for market penetration into South Asia, as well as Increase the value of Indonesian bilateral trade.

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