APAA Statement on USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin Loophole

WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Primary Aluminum Association (APAA) is very disappointed to learn that the Mexican Government has refused to accept a fix to the USMCA's automotive rules of origin that would require aluminum automobile parts to use aluminum smelted in North America. This important fix would close a loophole, inadvertently included in the original deal, that allows countries, like China and Russia, to flood the North American market with cheap aluminum, threatening manufacturing jobs in the United States. One of the largest aluminum cast-houses in Mexico, Aluminicaste Fundicion de Mexico ("Alumicast"), is part of the notorious China Zhongwang Holdings Limited empire of companies has been indicted by the U.S. Government for the fraudulent production and sale of aluminum extrusions to the United States. The Mexican Government's refusal to close this loophole would reward Zhongwang and Alumicast for the very behavior they were indicted for just 6 months earlier. We are calling on Mexican authorities to stand with North American manufacturing workers to close this loophole and protect us from countries that cheat.

Mark Duffy
Chief Executive Officer

About the American Primary Aluminum Association (APAA): The American Primary Aluminum Association will advocate to advance the interests of America's primary aluminum industry and its workers through the Aluminum Now campaign. APAA is registered and incorporated in Washington, DC and operates as a non-profit trade association. For more, please visit: www.aluminumnow.org

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/apaa-statement-on-usmca-automotive-rules-of-origin-loophole-300971974.html

SOURCE American Primary Aluminum Association