Phigenics announces Recommissioning Dormant Water Systems Service

WARRENVILLE, Ill., April 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Phigenics, the leading independent provider of water management programs, launched a Recommissioning Dormant Water Systems (RDWS) service after increased demand for recommissioning of dormant buildings. The RDWS service delivers key commissioning protocols and validation testing to help building owners and facility managers address water safety and risk management issues emerging from the extended closure of a building.

Dormant water systems must be recommissioned properly after prolonged closure to ensure the water is safe. Confirmation of water safety is critical during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The water in dormant or low census buildings could lose all or most of its disinfectant which would allow biofilm and bacteria to grow. Dormant water systems must go through a recommissioning process prior to returning to normal operations. A recent publication(1) has proven the linkage between improper water management commissioning services and documented waterborne disease cases and death.

"Since the COVID-19 shutdown began, we have been receiving inquiries from facility managers across the country with concerns about Legionella growth and amplification in potable water distribution systems," says Michael Doyle, Phigenics VP of Operations. "Shuttering and then reopening a large campus or even smaller individual buildings with complex water systems in a safe, efficient and defensible manner is an extremely challenging exercise but absolutely necessary."

The RDWS service includes commissioning protocols, microbiological panel analysis, and water chemistry analysis. The service aligns with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 (2018), and proper flushing and disinfection protocols for building water distribution systems. Facility types benefiting from this service include but are not limited to: university and college campuses, convention centers, sports arenas, commercial buildings, schools, hotels, and casinos.

To learn about Recommissioning Dormant Water Systems, register for a webinar on May 12, 2020, sponsored by APPA, the association for educational facilities professionals.

About Phigenics
Phigenics sells Comprehensive Water Management Programs. Facility managers and building owners use these programs to optimize the total cost of their water systems by improving safety and efficiency. These programs include regulatory compliance, data management and water testing analytical services, including Legionella testing services. As a non-conflicted, third party, Phigenics provides independent verification and validation that programs are defensible and water management goals have been achieved in the most cost-effective manner.

(1) Water Management for Construction: Evidence for Risk Characterization in Community and Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Review,

Contact: Monica Keil, 1-844-850-4087

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SOURCE Phigenics, LLC