ADEPT Driver Encourages Drivers to Stay Home for the Holidays to Stop Spread of COVID-19

ELK GROVE, Calif., Dec. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- ADEPT Driver®, a company that develops science-based crash avoidance training programs, encourages drivers to stay home and limit driving throughout the holiday season to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If you must go out, maintain physical distance from those outside your home and wear a mask anytime you are near a person you do not live with.

"The greatest gift you can give your loved ones is to stay healthy and safe, and to protect their health as well," said Dr. Richard Harkness, CEO of ADEPT Driver. "While staying home and staying safe over the holiday season young drivers, experienced drivers, and mature drivers can use our training programs to sharpen their crash avoidance skills. Safety never goes out of style, so wear a mask when you must go out, avoid gatherings, and consider ADEPT Driver's crash reduction training programs as gifts for drivers you love."

ADEPT offers science-based crash-reduction training that is customized for drivers of every age, including:

    --  teenSMART for young drivers
    --  Advanced Driver for experienced drivers, ages 20-60
    --  Lifelong Driver for mature drivers, ages 60+

All ADEPT Driver crash reduction training programs are research-based and apply validated teaching methods to target the top causes of driver crashes. Check out this short video and see for yourself why ADEPT's training is so effective.

If you must drive, remember these tips for driving safely during the holiday season:

    --  Avoid distractions while driving, such as using your cell phone to text,
        email, or access social media. Sending or reading a text takes your eyes
        off the road for at least five seconds. You cannot drive safely unless
        the task of driving has your full attention.
    --  Check the weather conditions before you head out on the road. Make sure
        to drive at a speed that is safe for road and weather conditions.
    --  Do not drive when you are impaired by alcohol and/or drugs, and do not
        allow your family members or friends to drive while impaired. According
        to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2017 drunk driving
        contributed to more than 10,800 crash deaths. If you drink alcohol
        and/or use drugs, you should not drive. If you need to go somewhere,
        designate a non-drinking driver, call a taxi, or use a ride share

Dr. Richard Harkness

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