- Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, Spacecraft & related equipment
- Composites, Plastics & Rubber
- Maintenance Repair Overhaul and Logistics Support
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA., is an aeronautical company dedicated to the maintenance, repair and inspection of mixed structures and composite materials so as to fulfill customers’ requests at a national and international level.
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. is able to offer maintenance and repair services on Class I and II structures and composite materials.
The Company has the required qualifications, in order to undertake the repair of aircraft, such as the Cessna Caravan 208, Super King 200/300/350, Embraer 110/145/170/190, Dash 8-100/200/300, Boeing 727, McDonnell Douglas DC 9 and the Dornier 328, among others.
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA., operates since 1989 and thanks to the great efforts put throughout the years, it stands out today as one of the most important aviation companies nationally. The Company is dedicated to the promotion of global solutions for the maintenance and repair of composite materials, according to the needs of the civil, general and military aviation, both nationally and internationally.
With the primary goal of satisfying customers’ needs, AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. offers personalized attention under a certified quality management system. The Company is certified under ISO 9001:2000.
Through engineering management, it covers most of the companies of the civil, general and military aviation sector.
The Company has its own authorized facilities, in order to perform advanced maintenance and repair services on metallic structures. Some of the advantages are:
Low maintenance cost per contract,
Guarantee of high quality services,
Short delivery time,
Reliable raw materials,
Certified and calibrated equipment and tools, for optimal performance.
Contact info #1
Contact info #2
General Painting Services
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. is equipped with a pressurized cabin and highly qualified personnel, in order to perform external painting services for all kinds of commercial and military aircraft.
The Company employs procedures, modern equipment and high precision materials to guarantee optimal results.
Special Welding Services
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. is welding certified and able to perform high quality special welding services. The certification includes titanium, aluminum and stainless steel welding services.
Welding processes include TIG - Tungsten Inert Gas welding services. Through this technique, stronger, more ductile and resistant to corrosion materials than those treated with different techniques are obtained.
Compound Materials
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. manufactures parts and components made of fiberglass, Kevlar, carbon, graphite, hybrid, honeycomb etc.
Design & Manufacture Services
The Company designs and manufactures metallic structures and compound materials, made of fiberglass, carbon, Kevlar and aluminum sheet 2024, using Cherry Max rivets to fix and place composite metallic structures.
Furthermore, the Company performs assembly services on tubes, corners and flanges, as well as any compound material components.
Authorized Facilities
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. has its own authorized facilities for the design and manufacture of metallic structures and composite materials. The facilities cover an area of 430 m2 and include pressurized cabins for drying and filtering and the Company itself employs a manpower of over 55 people.
The Company is equipped with welding equipment and machinery, such as cutting machines, shears, English wheel machines, hot bonder equipment, tap hammers, damp detectors and presses, among others.

Certified Personnel
AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA. performs any type of repairs on aeronautic components and compound materials, under the highest quality standards and using qualified and certified personnel by the aeronautical authorities for the execution of such activities.
The Company’s professional staff has all the necessary knowledge in the field of programming, 3D and 2D prototyping, as well as software design and analysis.
Advanced Software
The Company is equipped with advanced software applications, such as Solid Edge, an analysis software for structural studies, and Rhino for the modeling of parts. All applications are operated by authorized engineers by the aeronautical authorities.
Among AEROESTRUCTURAS DE COLOMBIA LTDA.’s most distinguished clientele are:
Aeroestructuras De Colombia Ltda.
- Colombie, Tv. 112b Bis A #65a-19, Bogota D.C., Colombia
- info@aeroestructurasdecolombia.com
- www.aeroestructurasdecolombia.com