- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- Metal Processing, Parts & Components
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
ELESEG S.A., was founded in 1993 by three professionals with twenty years of experience in the security field. The Company manufactures and commercializes security tools and accessories.
ELESEG S.A. provides its services to governmental, financial and industrial entities, as well as to private users, providing security and protection through mechanical and electronic equipment.
Among the main products and services ELESEG S.A. offers are: high security locks, padlocks, electrical components, special cylinders for armoured cars, digital electronic locks and maintenance services.
Exclusive Representation
Since 1997, ELESEG S.A. has the exclusive representation for Colombia of the company MEDECO HIGH SECURITY LOCK INC., located in Salem, Virginia, USA which owns the brand MEDECO and all its products.
In 1997, the Company’s product line was extended with a representation agreement with the company KABAMAS from Lexington, Kentucky, manufacturer of digital electronic locks and ATMs (automated teller machines), as well as other accessories for bank, commercial and home safes.
In 1999, ELESEG S.A. signed an agreement with PSA from Denver, Colorado, for the representation and distribution of its products (over 50,000 electronic items, such as access control systems, CCTV and wireless alarms systems) in Colombia.
Contact info #1
Among the locks ELESEG S.A. manufactures, installs and commercializes are:
- MEDECO residential locks,
- MEDECO commercial locks,
- KABAMAS commercial locks,
- Prison locks,
- Hotel locks,
- MARKS USA locks.
Wireless Alarms
ELESEG S.A. manufactures, installs and commercializes:
- Receivers,
- Specialized transmitters,
- Arming devices,
- Universal transmitters for doors and windows,
- Pendant alarms,
- Motion sensors.
Machinery & Equipment
ELESEG S.A.’s machine park includes:
- Milling machines,
- Lathe machines,
- Stand drilling machines,
- Brushes,
- Welding equipment,
- Surface grinding machines,
- Grinder keys.
The Company’s customers list includes:
Protela S.A.,
Olimpica S.A.
Eleseg S.A.
- Cra 29 No. 77-33, Bogota, Colombia
- +57 1 630 2958, +57 1 311 0853
- +57 1 630 6200
- eleseg@eleseg.com
- www.eleseg.com