- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- IT, Computing and Software
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
Esen Sistem Entegrasyon is an engineering company which aims to build fast and innovative solutions in the aviation, aerospace and defense industry in partnership with US-based Sierra Nevada Corporation.
The company is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Also, ESEN System Integration implements its software development and system engineering processes in accordance with CMMI v1.3 Maturity Level 3 and DO-178C requirements and all ongoing projects are implemented according to these processes.
Satellite Space Systems capabilities: System design; Development of operational concept; Space systems project management; Feasibility studies.
Small Satellites capabilities: Development of satellite systems in a quick and cost efficient manner, using commercial off the shelf (COTS) products as much as possible and employing agile processes; Processing of satellite imagery (Remote Sensing); Geometrical and radiometrical calibration of satellite imagery.
Satellite Subsystems capabilities: Optical imaging systems; Satellite data bus; Optical communications.
Radar-Based Enhanced Vision System - This solution provides the ability to operate in degraded visual conditions (fog, pollution, snow, sand, dust, smoke and icing), while visually detecting obstacles including terrain. The system offers access to airfields, otherwise inaccessible, in order to maintain the flow of operation.
Characteristics: Interface to customer selected cockpit display; 94 GHz Frequency radar key to penetrating 0/0 conditions; 3D imaging offers contour of terrain on approach, missed approach, and low false alarm detection of runway obstacles/incursion; Fusion of IR Camera offers multispectral capability while eliminating any parallax of the IR image; Terrain Database correlated to ground truth of radar provides vision beyond effective range of the radar to the horizon; Integrated symbology.
Wide Area Surveillance
Conventional airborne surveillance systems enable to perform aerial surveillance of small-sized areas (~150×150 m) during day and at night. However, no general situational awareness can be created due to the fact that such systems serve at the restricted-sized areas, and only if targets are detected by means of any other intelligence methods, the targets can be monitored in detail.
When a human eye look at an object, it collects data in 3 distinct bands, red, green and blue. This look gives us information about the shape and color of the object. In case data collected contains a wider electromagnetic spectrum, some chemical an physical properties of the object and be deduced. Although mainly used for mine exploration and earth sciences, spectral imaging has wide range of uses.
Applications: Mining: Remote detection of underground mines; Agriculture: Detection of vegetation health; Military: Explosive detection, camuflage detection, detection of illegal plantation; Chemistry: Detection of pollutants in the air; Environmental: Detection of environmental pollution.
Full Motion Video (EN)
ESEN Sistem Full Motion Video (FMV) solution enables that any Infrared (IR) and Electro-Optical (EO) full motion video (FMV) with high resolution and high refreshing frequency, which are received from the manned/unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles and fixed/mobile ground surveillance systems, are moved to the data fusion center for ingestion, video processing, exploitation and dissemination. The system consist of video gateway units, video ingestion and storage units, image processing, exploitation and dissemination units and the mobile stations.
Data Fusion and Decision Making Systems
ESEN carries out various projects in the field of data fusion thanks to the support of the Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), which is the co-founder of our company. Such projects are as follows: Open Source Intelligence; Social Network Analysis; Decision Support Systems; Activity-Based Intelligence and Pattern of Life Analysis.
Telemedicine enables to recover the health statuses of the patients by sharing the medical data with the remote points through the electronic equipment. ESEN Sistem telemedicine solution intends to provide medical support for patients on continuous and smooth basis during the period elapsing from the time, when the first intervention is performed on such patient, to the time, when such patient recovers. The system enables to transfer any kinds of medical data, any audio, video, picture, location information, any medical reports, any text-based messages and commands on a safe and smooth and position-independent basis, and to cooperate with respect to such medical data, and to share any and all details regarding patients safely. Accordingly, such system can be used in order to provide remote professional medical service at the road ambulances, air ambulances, houses, health centers and hospitals.
Esen Sistem Entegrasyon
- Üniversiteler Mahallesi, İhsan Doğramacı Bulvarı 37/3 Titanyum C Blok Kat 2, ODTÜ Teknokent, 06800, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
- +903122201488
- +903122201489
- iletisim@esensi.com.tr
- www.esensi.com.tr/en