- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
- Ships, Vessels, Submarines & related equipment
- Weapons & Ammunition
EUROTORP (G.E.I.E.: Groupement Européen d’Intérêt Economique) is a consortium established in 1993 with the purpose of creating a world’s leadership in the field of Light Weight Torpedo (LWT) and associated systems by merging the complementary skills and capabilities of three major industrial groups: DCNS through DCNS ASM St. Tropez - FRANCE / 26% ; Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei S.p.a. (WASS - A Finmeccanica company) Livorno - ITALY / 50% ; THALES, through THALES UNDERWATER SYSTEMS, Sophia Antipolis - FRANCE / 24%.
The industrial group thus formed has reached an international dimension and has gained its leading position thanks to expertise in all ASW areas including: detection, classification, strategy, countermeasures, propulsion systems and simulations, specialised laboratories, extensive computer facilities for digital and hybrid simulation, wide range of on-shore and at-sea test facilities.
EUROTORP and its member’s workforce consists of more than 1000 employees, at least one third of whom are qualified engineers and experts from all the necessary scientific disciplines such as software development.
The missions of EUROTORP are:
- The Marketing & Sales of the LWT weapon systems
- The LWT weapon systems Design Responsibilities
- The Technical & Industrial coordination during LWT systems manufacturing
- The Management of the running programs
- R&D funding including guidelines to the members.
This complex process is strictly controlled within a rigorous quality management system based on international standards. Eurotorp is certified ISO 9001:2008 and AQAP-2110 Ed. 3.
- 399, route des Crêtes - "Les Bouillides", B.P. 113, 06902 Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
- +33492963850
- +33492963855
- geie@eurotorp.com
- www.eurotorp.com