Last Update May 30, 2023


  • Other Aerospace, Defence and High Technology related companies

Proengin specialises in Chemical and Biological Warfare agents' detection systems with the use of Flame Spectrometry. Proengin designs, develops and manufactures all its range of products encompassing systems for vehicles, ships, infrastructures as well as hand held detectors. Proengin products are used in more than 40 countries. The military Civil defence and environmental agencies use this for detection purpose.

The widely used AP2C has proven the capacity to be the most reliable with the lowest false alarm rate and the simplest ease of use. AP4C have extended capacity to include chemical warfare agents and Toxic industrial materials in a simultaneous mode. There is no limitation in number of gases detected by the AP4C. Proengin products are made in response to the NATO recommendations. Chemical detector AP2C and Chemical detector AP4C can work in severe environments because of their high sensitivity. Proengin manufactured biological detector MAB has the unique capacity of detecting and categorizing biological particles.


  • 1 rue de l’Industrie, 78210, Saint Cyr l’Ecole, France
  • +33130584734
  • +33130589351
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