Last Update June 7, 2023

- Weapons & Ammunition
The company offers a variety of products for defence industry. It manufactures nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, ball powders and dynamite applications. The notable products are:
- shot shell, rifle, and pistol and revolver powders,
- double base powders,
- military powders, such as aircraft and antiaircraft, mortar shells, mortar shells-extend range, artillery ammunition, ignition powder, and grenade launchers,
- conventional powder charges,
- sport and other special powders.
The company also provides combustible components and increment containers for mortar ammunition. Apart for military purposes, it offers products for civil consumers. Celluloid is manufactured for use in furniture and interior decoration, drawing and writing accessories, music instruments, toys, sport equipment, and optic accessories. In addition, it offers consulting, modernization of process technology, design and engineering, transfer of technology, and training personnel services.
Milan Blagojević - Namenska
- mr Radosa Milovanovica 2A, 32240 Lucani, Serbia
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