From Infatuation To Social Media Innovation

BRUSSELS, Sept. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- My Social Book, a unique web-based platform that quickly turns social media content into real physical books, is beginning to make its mark around the world. Fueled by a heartwarming origin story, My Social Book aims to disrupt the dated memory book space.

"My Social Book is the only service that allows social media users to create a book collection that brings together all their content in just one click," stated Nicolas Cazagou, the company's Founder. "It's a great way to revisit and share 10+ years of memories; not only photos but also posts and other content."

It was Cazagou's own personal experience that inspired My Social Book. After meeting his now-wife Berenice (through Facebook) the love-struck entrepreneur wished to surprise her with a book of all their special moments. Knowing how large a role social media plays in human interaction, he turned there to start but quickly realized how painstaking printing from Facebook and Instagram would be. That's when Cazagou developed an algorithm that simplified the process, allowing him to create the perfect keepsake.

Cazagou has since refined My Social Book into a breakthrough technology that makes photo book creation simple. In just 45 seconds, the platform can print up to 10 years of memories through a fully automated process including a diary component, also allowing for posts, likes, and videos (in the form of QR codes) to be integrated; a refreshing departure from traditional photo books, which typically involve software and one-by-one uploads.

Instead of selecting their own photos, My Social Book's algorithm identifies context (user inputted date range, titles, likes, etc.) to drive printing decisions, developing sequences to group content together succinctly. The output is 6-8 images per page that can be edited or removed at the user's leisure, then printed on the highest quality paper with either a soft or hard back cover.

The company has printed over 525,000 books, bringing annual revenues to the $10 million range. Charles-Henri Becquet, a business development guru who's launched global businesses for companies like PayPal and Shutterstock, recently joined the team with plans to scale.

"We are working to close some distribution deals with major photo book players and retail stores in the coming months to expand globally while providing additional products," Becquet insisted.

Learn More at or by contacting:

Charles Becquet, CEO

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