This Pre-market engagement process is in advance of the expiration of the CPC framework for Library Resources which expires 08/10/2024. The scope is expected to cover books, eBooks, audio books, reading material alternatives, and services including journal subscriptions, ordering, payment, delivery, marking, monitoring, journal consolidation services, books processing, shelf ready books services. We are hopeful that we can introduce to this new iteration library management system software, and additional modules such as discovery services, reading lists and acquisition tools.

CPC are seeking interested suppliers of the above to discuss the relevant markets and to assess whether the above scope is appropriate. Additionally librarians in educational establishments across the UK who are able to detail their needs. Please contact to engage.

Extended TitleLibrary Resources
Extended Description

This lot covers the provision of physical print material of books including literature, textbooks etc. and the services that may be required with the acquisition of such goods

Publication Date2023-12-22
CountryUnited Kingdom
Procurement StatusFuture
TypeNot applicable
Contract TypeSupplies
Award CriteriaThe most economic tender
OrganisationCrescent Purchasing Limited
AddressProcurement House, Leslie Hough Way
Postal CodeM6 6AJ
Phone+44 1619740947
Class Code39155100
Class DescriptionLibrary equipment
SourceOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities - Tenders electronic daily (Ted)

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