InventHelp Inventor Develops Enhanced Emergency Flare (ROH-503)

PITTSBURGH, Aug. 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- "Emergency road flares burn out and need to be replaced," said an inventor from Bath, N.Y. "I thought that there had to be a better option. Using modern technology, I came up with this emergency indicator to be safer, more effective and environmentally friendly."

He developed the E-FLARE to offer a convenient way to mark off the area around an emergency site. The unit serves as a more dependable alternative to traditional flares. It will not burn out and require regular replacement. The accessory features an eco-friendly, "green" design. The device makes it easier to redirect traffic around a problem area. Additionally, it is designed to enhance safety and provide added peace of mind.

The original design was submitted to the Rochester office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 17-ROH-503, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp's Invention Submission Services at

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