Las Vegas Meeting Is Antidote to Group Think on Climate, Energy, and Defense, States Physicians for Civil Defense

TUCSON, Ariz., Aug. 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The serious threats to American security are not the preoccupations of today's headline news. To find the real scoop on the crises and opportunities for Americans, there is no better place to start than the annual meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, convening this year in Las Vegas, August 24-26.

Have you been taught that nuclear war is the end of the world and thus there is no point in thinking about it? You can meet Toshiharu Kano, who was in his mother's womb half a mile from Ground Zero at Hiroshima. Is radiation lethal at any dose, or is uninformed fear blocking medical breakthroughs that use low-dose radiation? Jerry Cuttler will discuss treatment of neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases.

Do you believe that Robert Mueller is delving into the clear and present Russian threat? Heart surgeon Donald W. Miller will speak about the day American military superiority ended.

Is chemical warfare an issue only in Syria? Learn about toxidrome syndromes from exposure to biological and chemical warfare agents from Steven Hatfill, M.D.

On American soil, what about school shootings and militant Islam? Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research, Chris Farrell, will speak about these issues and the southern U.S. border.

Does the threat of catastrophic human-caused climate change make everything else irrelevant? Willie Soon will talk about the "blue sun" in climate history, and Joe Bastardi, who is renowned for his forecasting ability, will discuss how past knowns predict future weather unknowns.

What about "clean, renewable" energy as a "common sense" insurance policy against climate apocalypse? Wind and solar have devastating environmental impacts, to be discussed by physics professor Howard Hayden. The fuel cell "Bloomdoggle" in Delaware is the subject for David Legates, and Joe Leimkuehler of LLOG will provide an update on deep-water drilling.

Are vaccines safe enough to mandate for all, or do they too have unintended consequences? Andrew Wakefield will discuss "The Sixth Extinction: vaccine immunity, escape mutants, & virgin soil populations." Arthur Robinson will discuss the role of vaccine adjuvants. (If elected to represent Oregon District 4, Dr. Robinson will be the second scientist in the U.S. Congress.)

Other subjects include agricultural miracles and misconceptions (Steve Goreham), how bogus science enriches activists (Paul Driessen), the Saturn Apollo rocket (Gordon Claycomb), and the potentially revolutionary implications of research on the fourth phase of water (banquet speaker Gerald Pollack).

Press passes are available.

Physicians for Civil Defense distributes information to help to save lives in the event of war or other disaster.

Contact: Jane M. Orient, M.D., (520) 323-3110,

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