Magento NetSuite Connector - Abridge Efforts to Streamline Sales by Integrating Magento With NetSuite ERP

LAKELAND, Florida, September 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

Magento Platform is known for the creation of high-quality e-Commerce stores and providing instant solutions. Having an e-Commerce store gives an upper hand to the owners to reach out its customers to every corner of the market.

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However, in the case of big scale e-Commerce Store, the management becomes complex and can give headache. As in that case, the owner needs to handle large inventory, manage the timeliness in the delivery and shipping, manage and communicate with multiple vendors, evaluate the working performance and manage the product planning.

In such scenario, different ERPs come into existence, which reduces the work efforts and handles every aspect with precision. ERP consists of numerous modules and applications, and every module is responsible for managing different aspects of business like configurations, project planning, task reporting, pricing etc.

Working as a Magento Development Company [ ], Elsner understands that not all the tasks can be performed at abilities of human efforts.

This brings the company to develop a connector, allowing the user's to integrate their Magento website with the NetSuite ERP. This cloud-based ERP tool assist e-Commerce firms to manage daily routines and enhance their entire business performance and productivity.

Although available connectors of ERP in the market might prove to be costly, Elsner's NetSuite ERP Connector for Magento [ ] is quite affordable serving owners with all possible features. With the help of this connector, the store owners can now eliminate the risk of recording, stock counting and more time consuming yet important business activities.

In order to serve clients the best, we have kept the services of this extension free for the first month. This would allow them to test the extension and provide their feedback for the same.

Insights about the Eslner's Magento Netsuite Connector 

The connector is compatible with Magento Community version only and after having integrated both NetSuite and Magento, it needs no additional command to manage your orders, product and other essential data.

This connector is compatible with Magento 1 and we are working on the Magento 2 connector version and it will be launched in the near future.

Compatible versions are Magento CE 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x.

Features : 

Order management 

Reflects the order details in the NetSuite as soon as the order is placed in the Magento. The order is generated within fraction of seconds in NetSuite ERP after the customer opts to checkout from Magento storefront.

Shipping & fulfillment 

The advanced logistics will assist the customer in tracking the product with the help of tracking number which provides real time shipment details. Today, each site promises to deliver fast so it is important the authenticity of the promise should be verified. The shipping logistics also provides the benefit of providing fast pick/pack/ship services, along with notifying them about these services on time.

Payment & invoicing 

ERP keeps track of all the purchase orders whether the payment has already been made or kept awaited till the shipment. Multiple payment channels are supported along with easy cancellation and refund policy managed under NetSuite.

Products & variations 

The products with different pricing and category will be managed easily with the advanced features of the tool.

This NetSuite ERP connector from Elsner Technologies [ ] will help all the Magento users to share a better experience with their customers. This technology will reduce the management efforts of the developers and website owners to great extent. Purchase the extension today to improvise the service of your E-commerce store.


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        Elsner Technologies 
        Phone: +1-(607)-524-4040


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SOURCE ELSNER Technologies Pvt Ltd