BlockCypher to Release Grinmint into Production 48 Hours Prior to Grin Mainnet Launch
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- BlockCypher announced today that the Grinmint production release will occur 48 hours prior to the Grin mainnet launch. As announced by the Grin development team, Grin mainnet will launch January 15, 2019. 48 hours ahead of the January 15 date, BlockCypher's Grinmint ( mining pool software will be ready to accept miners for Grin mainnet, leaving plenty of time for all operations to get setup. The pool will issue fake blocks (with no payout) until the final Grin genesis block is ready. As soon as Grin's genesis block is available, it will get broadcasted to all connected mining rigs. Because the Grin development team has also announced that the genesis block will be issued with a timestamp 30 minutes in the future, everyone will have time to update.
"For a limited time only, Grinmint pool fees will be 0%," said Catheryne Nicholson, BlockCypher CEO. "Our pool will collect no commission initially. This is an introductory offer only available for a limited amount of time. Once we know the actual hashrate, we will adjust fees accordingly. Going forward, we will be contributing part of our pool proceeds to fund the Grin Project."
BlockCypher platform's uptimes have been 99.999% for the past 4+ years. Across the industry, BlockCypher has the reputation for being the most long-standing, reliable blockchain platform. BlockCypher's hardened infrastructure has withstood the test of time, multiple attacks and forks. Over 20,000 customers and developers have relied on BlockCypher for uptimes and reliability. The same operational rigor BlockCypher applies to blockchain infrastructure translates directly to Grinmint. BlockCypher already has commitments from multiple miners. BlockCypher will ensure they are ready to mine immediately at Grin mainnet launch with nodes running in the U.S. and Europe. New locations will be added as necessary.
To hear directly from developers about how Grin/MimbleWimble uniquely address privacy and scalability, use cases for Grin, how to mine for Grin, and the cryptography behind Grin, come to Grincon U.S. See for more details about the speakers, agenda and conference. As the Grin Project has no ICO, no pre-mine, and no founder's reward, it is crucial that development be sustained by the community. This means companies must continue to support the Grin developers and projects for a healthy ecosystem to thrive. BlockCypher is donating proceeds from the conference back to the Grin Project.
SOURCE BlockCypher