AI Driven Digital Signage Market Will Grow at a CAGR of 14%- 18% During the Forecast Period of 2019 to 2025: IndustryARC

HYDERABAD, India, May 21, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The global advertising industry is going through a period of radical transformation, with the gradual decline of traditional print advertising. The growing focus is now on interactive advertisement on the touch screens, web display screens, cell phones, and other innovative media.

Industries such as retail, entertainment, tourism, airport, banking, healthcare are adopting digital signage solutions is their ongoing efforts to reverse the effects of rapid industrialization in the past few decades.

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In a single year, printing of separate news-sheets, placards, and advertisements is considered to be cheaper, but in terms of continuous advertisement over multiple years, a visual communication system is more effective. The purchase of a digital signage system is a one-time investment. The cost of printing, on the other hand, rises gradually each year as per the customer preference.

Digital signage Market display various content such as flash animations, videos, and several designed transitions to grab the attention of the audience and keep them more involved. One notable feature of digital signage is that it allows for immediate corrections/changes to be made to the displayed content. The electronics industry is moving quickly towards low-power outdoor digital signage that reduces operational cost and offer environmental savings.

Digital Signage has grown beyond retail and has now become a major tool for communication. For digital signage, 2018 was a fruitful year, and 2019 holds potential for technological growth. The adoption of haptic technology in digital signage is an emerging trend. The technology communicates with the user by applying a sense of touch through vibrations, motion, or force. The haptic technology is mainly used for creating virtual objects and controlling machines and devices remotely. The haptic technology being developed can fit into any existing touchscreen, giving a totally new meaning to interaction.

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The entry of AI is also expected to be another game changer, allowing for extraordinary data analysis and integration. Using AI, data feeds get processed or converted into messages on their own, without any intervention. For instance, the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) system is a technology that functions automatically to generate localized alerts based on data coming from other sources. In the same way, digital signage systems function by displaying board messages based on the data received from another operator. This will enable cross-promotion on a completely new scale. Layered integrated marketing campaigns that syndicate with mobile technology will truly be possible.

Others trends include the adoption of customized application programming interfaces (APIs) and Software-as-a-service (SaaS) models. These software models allow digital signage network systems to control and monitor campaigns from remote locations. Now, the end-users prefer wide-ranging content solution that functions in a single display system. A single display system has a capability to display multiple content at different periods of time. Digital signage provides businesses with a wide range of options such as cloud-based hosting, interactive designs, consulting, content creation, and so on.

Digital signage is one of the interesting way to catch the customers' attention. Recently, IBASE and Acer Cloud Technology have collaborated to deliver smart digital signage systems with Being Device Management (BDM) platform. The IBssssssASE digital signage players integrated with software device management platform of Acer Cloud Technology provide users and signage vendors with cost savings and constancy, and boost performance through end-to-end automatic software delivery, hardware monitoring, and remote troubleshooting in digital signage applications.

Digital signage has been quickly accelerating its reach in nearly every market and area, right from promotions to providing user guide, data display, and so on, especially indoors. Now, both large and small retailers are employing digital signage technology in greater numbers to advertise and progress customer experience.

The London, New York's Times Square is no longer limited. It is the world's biggest broadcast area, displaying messages on the Times Square screens. The digital displays there are becoming increasingly common, due to their wide range of innovative and interactive features.

As the digital signage market is growing by leaps and bounds, the technology developers need to identify key risks such as unexpected costs or technical issues to deliver effective solutions to consumers. The industry also needs to be technically oriented apart from just focusing on what the screen looks like. The customer expects more of a prominence on personalization, interactivity, and responsiveness, three key things that come together to create a seamless user experience.

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