Thunder Energies (TNRGD) HyperCombustion Cited as Confirming Einstein's Objections of Quantum Mechanics

DENTON, Texas, July 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Thunder Energies Corporation (TNRGD) announces that its novel HyperCombustion has been cited in an international PRNewswire Release as confirming Einstein's prediction that 'quantum mechanics is not a complete theory'

Dr. R. M. Santilli, Thunder Energies Chief Scientist, states: "The fossil fuel combustion currently used the world over is essentially the same as that at the dawn of civilization 50,000 years ago because we essentially strike a spark and lit the fuel. All improvements have been in striking the spark, but not in improving the principle of combustion. Thunder Energies has been founded because, at the dawn of the third millennium, we have a duty of at least trying to improve the principles of combustion to achieve a sustainable use of fossil fuels. The difficulties of such a duty originate from the fact that, according to basic laws of quantum mechanics and chemistry, the identical electrons of the valence bond of fossil fuels should repel each other due to their same charge and cannot possibly bond to form fuel molecules. The achievement of an attractive force between identical valence electrons in molecular bonds requested decades of studies I initiated at Harvard University under U.S. Department of Energy support in the early 1980s. These studies eventually lead to a broadening 'completion' of quantum chemistry much along Einstein's 1935 objections to quantum mechanics (see the monograph"

"This deeper understanding of molecular structure of the fossil fuels has permitted the initiation of the development of our novel HyperCombustion for the complete combustion of fossil fuels that we reported in the news release of June 25, 2019, release and in other releases. These efforts have been cited in the international release because HyperCombustion requires a 'completion' of quantum chemistry much along Einstein's 1935 historical argument.

Contact: Paul Knopick
E & E Communications

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SOURCE Thunder Energies Corporation