Army Corps Set to Investigate Perry Homes Subsidiary after Kingwood Complains of Wetland Violations

HOUSTON, Nov. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have notified the residents of the Kingwood section of Houston that they are investigating the disturbing of protected wetlands to the north of the Kingwood area that has allegedly created multiple flooding events for the residents of Elm Grove Village and Kingwood at large during 2019.

"It is our belief that the developer, Perry Homes, with various subsidiaries including Figure Four Partners LTD, as they clear cut the parcel of land adjacent to our community disturbed protected wetlands," said Elm Grove Homeowners Association Director, Beth Guide. "Our community has flooded three times in the last 5 months, May 3, May 7 and Sept 19, and we believe that it is a direct result of the removal of these protected wetlands," Guide continued.

In a response back to U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw's inquiry on behalf of Guide and Elm Grove, the USACE is working with the property owner, a Perry Homes subsidiary Figure Four Partners LTD, to gain access and continue their investigation, as well as explain their jurisdictional authority regarding Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This is an open purported unauthorized activity investigation, and the Army Corps is working to gain access to the property to determine violations as well as the appropriate resolutions, according to the letter.

"The USACE is taking a crucial step by investigating whether or not there's been a violation of the Clean Water Act in these wetlands," Crenshaw said, adding, "I'm grateful to work with constituents like Beth Guide. She is deeply invested in this community and is working with local and federal government to find potential solutions to Kingwood's flooding problems."

"We appreciate and thank Congressman Crenshaw for going to bat to help us resolve this problem. The families of Elm Grove continue to have their lives, and their futures cast into jeopardy because of this situation. Knowing that we have the support of Crenshaw and his team has been a huge help," Guide concluded. For more information, visit and check back for frequent updates.

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Elizabeth Guide

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