ONEder Releases Free Anti-Vaping Course to Help Schools Address Vaping Crisis

NUTLEY, N.J., Dec. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- ONEder, a leading EdTech curriculum company, has launched "The Real Deal About Vaping and Tobacco," a free course that educates young adults about the physical effects of all forms of tobacco use; including vaping, smoking, and chewing. The course was developed based on open-source resources such as the CDC, SmokeFree, American Lung Association, and others. In this course, students will explore ways to stop using tobacco, if they started, and ways to say no to tobacco products.

Schools throughout the country are experiencing an increase in teen vaping and are struggling to minimize this widespread phenomenon. Vaping is highly addictive and so easy to conceal that students are even doing it right in their classrooms. To support educators in preventing students from vaping and helping students quit tobacco products, ONEder is providing their anti-vaping and tobacco course for free to educators throughout the country. "We pride ourselves on taking a Whole Child approach to learning through our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum for all high school students and our Transition Curriculum that prepares students with disabilities for life after high school. Providing educators the resources they need to prevent vaping and tobacco use aligns with our mission of supporting student success in all areas of life," says Jon Izak, CEO of ONEder.

A 2018 study shows that vaping is on the rise for high school students, and a recent rise in medical emergencies connected to vaping demonstrates a need for awareness. As of November 5, 2019, the CDC reported 2,051 lung injury cases and 39 deaths associated with the use of e-cigarette products. Our new online course - available November 18th- will help alert students to the dangers of vaping and tobacco use. "The Real Deal About Vaping and Tobacco" was developed in the hopes of decreasing the number of young adults who vape, preventing further illness and deaths, and to help teenagers live a smokefree life.

ONEder was founded in 2011 with the mission of combining research-based instruction with cutting-edge technology to support educators and their students. The company was initially inspired by Izak's younger brother with autism to support students with disabilities. "Many of the reasons why teenagers have a hard time quitting are lack of support and resources. Our online content acts both as support and resources to those teenagers that need it. The Real Deal About Vaping and Tobacco provides students with online content that can be used on a smart device, either in the classroom or at home. Our team, at ONEder, hopes that having access to a course like ours will help young adults live in a smokefree world," says Cristina Garro, Content Developer at ONEder.

To learn more about ONEder's Vaping Curriculum visit or contact Brendan Smith via email,