Concord Safe Technology to Host Expert Panel on Wireless Risks, Sunday January 12th, 2-5 p.m.

On Sunday, January 12, 2020, from 2-5 p.m., Concord Safe Technology, in collaboration with The EMR Network, will host an Expert Panel, "Wireless Technology in Our Midst: How Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, Cell Antennas and 4G/5G 'Antenna Densification' Present Risks to Health, Privacy, Security and the Planet" at the Willard Elementary School, 185 Powder Mill Road in Concord. Admission is free.

The objective is to educate local citizens and governing boards in Concord, MA about the little understood health and privacy risks, and other unintended consequences from:

  • placing radiating wireless routers in Concord’s new middle school and new children’s room at the Concord Free Public Library;
  • placing radiating wireless "smart" meters on homes;
  • placing radiating cellular antennas on municipal infrastructure in residential neighborhoods;
  • risks from 4G/5G "antenna densification", expected to present significantly greater health and mental health risks from higher frequencies, greater intensity of pulsations, closer proximity of small cell antennas, and from new indoor exposures from the Internet of Things (IoT).

Virginia Hines, Director of The EMR Network says,

"The public deserves the full truth about wireless radiation, including the well-established cancer and neurological risks, and a range of other serious health, privacy, security and planetary consequences."

Presenters include:

Karl Maret, M.D., M. Eng., President, Dove Health Alliance; researcher in Electromagnetic Fields and Energy Medicine, and former researcher in electromagnetic fields in the Canadian military. Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP).

Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, Founder and President of Environmental Health Trust and author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family.

Paul Heroux, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University School of Medicine, Canada.

Tim Schoechle, PhD, Telecommunications technology expert and Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy. Author of numerous policy papers on the mistaken directions in utility and telecommunications infrastructure, including the landmark Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid and Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks.

Camilla Rees, MBA. Communications strategist and award-winning health and environmental activist. Founder of and Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications. Senior Policy Adviser, NISLAPP.

Cece Doucette, MTPW. Co-founder of Wireless Education, Cece has facilitated safe technology practices in schools and works actively with Massachusetts State legislators to introduce bills on wireless radiation and public health in Massachusetts.

Concord Safe Technology, a local group, aims to educate citizens and public health and safety decision makers about the scientific research on wireless radiation and related safety hazards for the community.

The EMR Network is a national 501(c) 3 non-profit organization educating the public, government officials and those in health and scientific disciplines about the biological, health and environmental impacts of man-made electromagnetic fields.