SIIA Announces 2020 CODiE(TM) Award Winners for Education Technology

WASHINGTON, May 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries, today announced the winners of the 2020 CODiE Awards in education technology. The winners were announced during a special online awards celebration in light of COVID-19 concerns. The announcement drew a global audience with 37 awards given for products and services deployed specifically for the education technology market.

All of the nominated education technology products and services were first reviewed by educators and administrators, whose evaluations determined the finalists. SIIA members then voted on the finalist products, with the scores from both rounds tabulated to select the winners.

"Congratulations to the 2020 Ed Tech CODiE Award winners," said SIIA President Jeff Joseph. "The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us of the importance of innovative edtech products and services such as those we honor today. This year's class takes a special place among the many amazing products recognized across the 35-year history of the CODiE Awards."

The 2020 winners, listed by category, product and company include:

Best Administrative Solution
, Abre

Best Coding & Computational Thinking Solution
, LEGO Education

Best Collaborative Community Solution for Educators
, ParentSquare

Best College & Career Readiness Solution
uCertify LEARN
, uCertify

Best Content Authoring Development or Curation Solution
MindTap for Biology
, Cengage Learning

Best Cross-Curricular Solution
uCertify LEARN
, uCertify

Best Data Solution
n2y Positivity
, n2y

Best Education Cloud-Based Solution
Scholastic Literacy Pro
, Scholastic

Best Educational App
, IXL Learning

Best Emerging Education Technology Solution for Administrators

Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution
, Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory US

Best ESL, ELL or World Language Acquisition Solution
Our World Second Edition Online Learning Platform, Cengage Learning

Best Formative Student Assessment Solution
ALEKS Placement, Prep and Learning
, McGraw-Hill Education

Best Game-Based Curriculum Solution
ExploreLearning Reflex,

Best Instructional Solution in Non-Core Areas
Keyboarding Without Tears
, Learning Without Tears

Best K-12 Learning Management Solution (LMS)
The Brightspace learning platform by D2L
, D2L Inc.

Best Learning Capacity-Building Solution
Exact Path
, Edmentum

Best Library Reference or Educational Database
Nexis Uni
, LexisNexis Group

Best Mathematics Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12 & Higher Education
Knewton Alta,

Best Mathematics Instructional Solution for Grades PreK-8
, MobyMax

Best PreK / Early Childhood Learning Solution
Emotional ABC's Classroom,
Emotional ABC's

Best Professional Learning Solution for Faculty & Administrative Staff
The Brightspace learning platform by D2L,
D2L Inc.

Best Reading/Writing/Literature Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12 & Higher Education
Writable for HMH Into Literature,
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Best Reading/Writing/Literature Instructional Solution for Grades PreK-8
IXL Learning

Best Science Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12 and Higher Education
ALEKS for Chemistry
, McGraw-Hill Education

Best Science Instructional Solution for Grades PreK-8
ExploreLearning Gizmos
, ExploreLearning

Best Social Learning Platform for Students
Rethink Ed Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health,
Rethink Autism, Inc.

Best Social Sciences or Social Studies Instructional Solution
Britannica LaunchPacks: Social Studies,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

Best Solution for Exceptional Students
n2y Total Solution
, n2y

Best STEM Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12 and Higher Education
Manufacture Your Future
, Discovery Education

Best STEM Instructional Solution for Grades PK-8

Best Summative Student Assessment Solution

Best Tool for Student Creation or Expression
, LEGO Education

Best Use of Emerging Technology for Learning in Education
MobyMax, MobyMax

Best Virtual Learning Solution
uCertify LAB, uCertify

Best Overall Education Solution
The Best Overall Education Solution was awarded to, which had the best scores from both rounds of judging of all of the products entered in the education categories.

Lifetime Achievement Award in Education Technology

The Lifetime Achievement Award, which celebrates individuals who have made significant long-term contributions to the education industry - and are renowned for their reputation, leadership, vision, mentorship, career success and philanthropy, was presented to Ellen Bialo.

Details about the winning products can be found at

About the CODiE Awards
The SIIA CODiE Awards is the only peer-reviewed program to showcase business and education technology's finest products and services. Since 1986, thousands of products, services and solutions have been recognized for achieving excellence. For more information, visit

The Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN) of SIIA is the leading voice for 200+ companies that provide software applications, digital content, online learning services and related technologies across the PK-20 sector. ETIN drives growth and innovation within the industry by providing leadership, advocacy, business development opportunities, government relations and critical ed tech market information. For more information, visit

About SIIA
SIIA is the leading association representing the software and digital content industries. SIIA represents approximately 800 member companies worldwide that develop software and digital information content. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection to the leading companies that are setting the pace for the digital age. For more information, visit

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