SANS Cyber Defense Launches Blueprint Podcast

BETHESDA, Md., June 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SANS Cyber Defense, a curriculum focus area of SANS Institute, today announces the launch of the Blueprint podcast, which seeks to explore the latest topics and advances in cyber defense and security operations. To mark the occasion, we're holding a special giveaway contest offering a chance to win a ticket to a SANS 2021 Summit of your choice (details follow).

Hosted by John Hubbard, SANS Certified Instructor and a course author within the SANS Blue Team Operations curriculum, the Blueprint podcast features interviews with top blue team leaders and experts in the field - those charged with defending the world's most respected brands.

"As an avid podcast listener, I believe in this format's ability to teach not only effectively but very conveniently as well," says Blueprint host John Hubbard. "Our goal with Blueprint is to provide an actionable podcast and cut straight to the point, to help cyber defense practitioners extract wisdom from some of the most interesting people who are changing the game in cyber defense."

With today's launch, listeners can get an introduction to the series with the short series trailer and listen to the first two full-length episodes.

    --  Episode 01 - The Art of Blue Teaming, with John Hubbard
    --  Episode 02 - Shock to the System: Re-Evaluating Your Security
        Operations, with guest Mark Orlando, CEO of Bionic Cyber and SANS

The first season of Blueprint includes 10 episodes, with a new episode delivered weekly, and covers topics like SOC tools and technologies, analysis techniques, data science, cyber law, and how to move toward the promise of a world without passwords - plus a whole lot more.

Future guests include Mary Chaney, former SOC Director at Johnson & Johnson; Katie Nickels, Principal Intelligence Analyst for Red Canary and SANS Certified Instructor; Roberto Rodriguez, Principal Threat Researcher at Microsoft (formerly with Spectre); and more.

If you're a student, SOC analyst, cybersecurity engineer, architect manager, director, or a cyber defender of any sort, this podcast was created with you in mind. You can tune in to the podcast today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcast, or wherever you listen to podcasts. To learn more, visit

Giveaway Details

To enter our special giveaway contest and be in the running to receive a ticket to a SANS 2021 Summit of your choice, follow these steps:

    1. Subscribe to Blueprint on Apple Podcasts
    2. Leave an honest rating and review on Apple Podcasts
    3. Share the podcast on LinkedIn or Twitter using the hashtag

Two lucky subscribers will be randomly selected on July 1, 2020, so in order to have a chance to win, you must complete these 3 steps by June 30, 2020.

About SANS Cyber Defense
The SANS Cyber Defense curriculum sits at the core of SANS Institute's catalog of information security training courses. Our cyber defense essentials and blue team operations courses advance awareness and capability in the most critical areas of security, including defense concepts and controls, security architecture, monitoring, and detection. (

About SANS Institute
The SANS Institute was established in 1989 as a cooperative research and education organization. SANS is the most trusted and, by far, the largest provider of cyber security training and certification to professionals at governments and commercial institutions world-wide. Renowned SANS instructors teach over 60 different courses at more than 200 live cyber security training events as well as online. GIAC, an affiliate of the SANS Institute, validates a practitioner's qualifications via over 35 hands-on, technical certifications in cyber security. The SANS Technology Institute, a regionally accredited independent subsidiary, offers master's degrees in cyber security. SANS offers a myriad of free resources to the InfoSec community including consensus projects, research reports, and newsletters; it also operates the Internet's early warning system--the Internet Storm Center. At the heart of SANS are the many security practitioners, representing varied global organizations from corporations to universities, working together to help the entire information security community. (

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