The Miller Law Firm Recovers $16.3 Million for Candlestick Neighborhood Associations
SAN FRANCISCO, June 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Miller Law Firm has recovered an additional $8,300,000 against major Bay Area builder Signature Homes for the Candlestick Cove Homeowners' Association.
This brings The Miller Law Firm's total recovery for three Candlestick neighborhood associations with construction defects in excess of $16 Million.
The Miller Law Firm previously recovered multi-million settlements for the St. Francis Bay - One and 101 Crescent Way - Condominium Owners Associations, built by San Francisco based general contractor James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corporation.
Extensive inspections and testing of Candlestick Cove's common areas overturned a number of construction deficiencies, including exterior stucco and siding systems, site drainage and concrete flatwork, roofs, windows, window trim and window flashing, privacy decks, trellises and other architectural plant-ons, retaining walls and guardrails.
With the dismissal filed with the San Francisco Superior Court just this week, this settlement was reached in mediation with Gerald A. Kurland of JAMS in only 14 months from the date of filing the complaint.
According to Senior Partner Rachel M. Miller, "The earliest phase of this 150 unit community was only days away from the 10-year statute of limitation expiring when they retained our firm to preserve their rights against Signature Homes for faulty construction. Because of the Board's quick actions, they were able to avoid a special assessment of the membership or unnecessary use of reserve funds for these costly repairs."
According to Thomas E. Miller, CEO of The Miller Law Firm, "Many of these underlying building defects were so subtle, they could not be fully understood without a thorough investigation. Without the Board of Directors meeting their fiduciary duties in timely pursuing their rights against the Builder, the economic burden to restore the community would have fallen on the shoulders of the homeowners. This is a good example of how a strong HOA Board of Directors and the right legal and mediation team in place can facilitate a sufficient recovery to maintain homeowner investments."
Celebrating 40 years of practice, The Miller Law Firm ( continues to be California's construction defect authority and leading resource for San Francisco homeowners, Boards of Directors, and community management. Their legal treatise, Handling Construction Defects, now in its fourth edition, remains the definitive practice guide for lawyers, mediators, arbitrators and judges. Their consumer guide, Home and Condo Defects: A Consumer Guide to Faulty Construction, aids and assists homeowners, board members and association management companies in pursuing legitimate claims against builders and their insurance companies.
Media Contact: Rachel Miller
(415) 437-1800
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