Miracle Software Systems, Inc reaches Gold Partnership with SAP

NOVI, Mich., July 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Miracle Software Systems, Inc., the minority certified global systems integrator, announces reaching Gold Partner status with SAP via their PartnerEdge program. As this partnership continues to grow, Miracle aims to help businesses improve their enterprise systems and further enhance business processes and practices.

"We are proud to have SAP recognize our work and increase our partnership level with them," said CEO and President of Miracle Software Systems, Inc., Prasad Lokam. "Through SAP's leading capabilities and enterprise-grade software, we can help our customers shift to higher functioning ERPs and bridge the gap in internal systems and processes."

This partnership allows Miracle to further help enterprises and large businesses create robust, efficient and streamlined processes backed by software that can support their growing needs. Reaching the Gold level of partnership is a true reflection of Miracle's roster of certified SAP experts and the excellence that is delivered while working on digital solutions for customers.

"Thanks to all our customers who reposed confidence and trust in our successful delivery of SAP systems over the years without which we would not have achieved this Gold Level," said Sudhakar Ghandikota, Sr. Vice President of the SAP Practice, at Miracle. "We also cannot forget the amazing team at Miracle who made this possible with their passion and skills."

A software and ERP focused company, SAP is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible when IT and software combine for optimal processes and service solutions. This includes their SAP S/4 HANA ERP.

"Moving up to Gold status is proof of the successful partnership we have with SAP, a company that we have partnered with since 1996," said Chaka Wallace, Director of Software Services at Miracle. "It means a lot to us, not just because it shows customers how strong our SAP practice is, but there are also many benefits to being a Gold Partner which will result in us delivering better for our customers."

About Miracle

Miracle Software Systems, Inc. is a global systems integrator and minority certified firm with over 25 years of expertise in delivering cutting-edge business solutions driven by technology. With over 2500 employees across the globe, Miracle strives to use innovation and IT to drive forward the digital journeys of their customers. Miracle is headquartered in Novi, Michigan, with offices around the world.

Karthik Sunkari
Marketing Lead
Miracle Software Systems, Inc.
Email : ksunkari@miraclesoft.com
Phone : (248)-232-7484

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/miracle-software-systems-inc-reaches-gold-partnership-with-sap-301089921.html

SOURCE Miracle Software Systems