Family Doctor Urges Americans to Wash their Noses to Prevent COVID-19 Infection in "Asthma and Allergy Solution that Works for COVID-19: The Powerful Natural Prescription for Respiratory Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic" (Freedom Press, 2020)

LOS ANGELES, July 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Wash your hands. Social distance. Wear a face mask. But what about washing your nose?

Nasal defense is the next big idea in coronavirus prevention, according to author Dr. Lon Jones, D.O., one of the world's leading experts on respiratory health and natural remedies.

Dr. Jones' dramatic assertion is based on solid science and forty years of clinical experience. In fact, the nose is the epicenter of the infectious process, according to University of North Carolina (UNC) researchers writing in the May 26, 2020 issue of the journal Cell.

In his new book Asthma and Allergy Solution that Works for COVID-19: The Powerful Natural Prescription for Respiratory Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Freedom Press, 2020), Dr. Lon Jones shares potentially life-saving self-protection information on respiratory health during a time of the coronavirus.

As we re-enter the new world of COVID-19, simple methods of self-protection that go beyond face masks, including washing your nose as regularly as you do your hands, could result in significantly reduced risk of infection, notes Dr. Jones. Based on the latest studies and his own clinical experience, Dr. Jones teaches us how supporting our nasal defenses can eliminate coronavirus when its viral load is lightest and the virus is still located in the upper respiratory tissues before it has spread to the lungs.

A pioneer in natural solutions for respiratory health with forty years of clinical experience and, a former assistant clinical professor of family medicine at Texas Tech Medical School, Dr. Jones' strategies are especially important to medical personnel, essential workers, and first responders. For the first time, ordinary citizens can be empowered to reduce their risk of becoming infected, despite the inefficiencies present in the healthcare system.

In addition, Dr. Jones shows parents and those with asthma, allergies, middle-ear and sinus infections, the most common cause of office visits in the US, can use his natural methods of defense medicine to eliminate the need for inhalers, antihistamines, and other medications.

Dr. Jones details how to support your nasal defenses, including sharing how to find the nasal spray shown in studies from Utah State University and the University of Geneva to eliminate COVID-19. This nasal spray is already being used by front-line medical responders to protect themselves, and it can be purchased at almost any drug store. Dr. Jones's provocative message in his new book is simple and clear: wash your nose.

Asthma and Allergy Solution that Works for COVID-19: The Powerful Natural Prescription for Respiratory Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic is now available for pre-publication purchase on Amazon.

About Dr. Jones, D.O.
Dr. Lon Jones, D.O., was a clinical assistant professor of family medicine at Texas Tech University Medical School and practiced at the Hi-Plains Hospital in Hale Center, Texas. He is the inventor and, along with his wife Jerry Bozeman, the developer and patent holder of the xylitol-enhanced saline nasal wash/spray sold throughout the world under the Xlear brand. Dr. "Lon," as he is referred to by his friends, is a sought-after public speaker on nondrug methods for preventing and reducing upper respiratory conditions. His websites include and He firmly believes that with xylitol "we have something that can optimize our nasal defenses and help millions of people worldwide." He has written on other subjects in: The Boids and the Bees: Guiding Adaptation to Improve our Health, Healthcare, Schools, and Society; On Defense Medicine in "From Microbes to Models: How coping with Ear Infections led to a New Paradigm." Chapter 3 in Putting Systems and Complexity Sciences into Practice. Ed. by Joachim Sturmberg. On promoting general health in "Revisiting Salutogenesis" in Embracing Complexity in Health. Ed J. Sturmberg. On how health applies to society in Let's Make America Healthy Again.

Konnect Agency
Denisa Caldova

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SOURCE Dr. Lon Jones, D.O.