Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Announces New Certificate Programs in Hazardous Drug Management and Billing and Reimbursement
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), the nation's leading credentialing organization for pharmacy technicians, has introduced two new Assessment-Based Certificate Programs, one in Hazardous Drug Management and another in Billing and Reimbursement. The new certificates recognize PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) with specialized knowledge and will count toward becoming an Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv).
"PTCB continues to expand our credential program offerings to support the expanding responsibilities of technicians within the pharmacy," said William Schimmel, PTCB Executive Director and CEO. "These programs are an opportunity for employers to identify technicians who are dedicated to advancing safety and, in many cases, are capable of leadership roles."
The first program recognizes the achievements of PTCB CPhTs who have demonstrated competency in safe handling of hazardous drugs to minimize the risk of exposure to patients and staff. About 8 million US health care workers, including pharmacy staff, are potentially exposed to hazardous drugs every year, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, creating a risk of adverse health effects, skin rashes, and cancers. These drugs include antiviral medications, cancer therapies, and hormone agents.
"The knowledge needed for the new PTCB certificate will empower technicians to make safety changes in their organization's policies," said Glen Gard CPhT, CSPT, Manager of Pharmacy Compliance in Corporate Clinical Services at Option Care Health in Chicago. "This program heightens the CPhT's awareness of risks and helps limit exposure."
The second new program assesses a CPhT's ability to manage insurance claims, prior authorizations, and related tasks, including compliance and auditing. CPhTs completing the certificate show their competency in billing practices, policies, and procedures, making them attractive to employers across practice settings.
"These specialty certificate programs create a standardized path of education and training that is needed as the foundation for good medication practices for patient care," said Jody McConkey, MPA, CPhT, Pharmacy Standards and Process Controls Manager, Banner Health, in Phoenix, AZ, and President of PTCB's Certification Council. "When evaluating technicians for promotional opportunities, many organizations consider first the CPhTs who show a documented interest in advancing patient safety through education and training."
The programs are the third and fourth to be launched in a series of PTCB specialty certificates that include Technician Product Verification (TPV) and Medication History. PTCB will launch certificate programs in Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention and Immunization next. A PTCB CPhT who earns at least four certificates, or three plus PTCB's Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician (CSPT) Certification, will be designated as a CPhT-Adv in the future. CPhTs can learn more and apply for the certificate programs at
About PTCB
PTCB, the nation's leading pharmacy technician certifying body, holds medication safety paramount through rigorous programs to certify technicians qualified to support pharmacists and patient care teams in all practice settings. PTCB's Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) Program is fundamental across practice settings and the foundation for all PTCB credentials. PTCB also offers the Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician(®) (CSPT(®)) Certification Program, launched in 2017, and Assessment-Based Certificate Programs for technicians in advanced roles. Founded in 1995, PTCB serves more than 280,000 active PTCB CPhTs and CSPTs, and many thousands within pharmacy technician stakeholder organizations. Visit
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SOURCE Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)