Media Advisory - Bell Let's Talk and Queen's University present a webinar about mental health in diverse communities

MONTRÉAL, Jan. 18, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - Bell Let's Talk today announced a live webinar presented by Queen's University about mental health in diverse communities. The discussion will focus on resiliency and mental well-being.

     WHEN:    Friday, January 22, 12-1pm ET

     WHERE:   Online webinar, please register

     WHO:     Moderator: Dr. Jane Philpott

                 Dean of the Faculty of Health
                  Sciences and Director of the
                  School of Medicine at Queen's
                  University; and former federal
                  Minister of Health and Minister
                  of Indigenous Affairs.

     Dr. Kenneth Fung

                 Staff Psychiatrist and Clinical
                  Director of the Asian Initiative
                  in Mental Health Program at the
                  Toronto Western Hospital,
                  University Health Network; and
                  Associate Professor with Equity,
                  Gender and Populations Division
                  at the Department of Psychiatry,
                  University of Toronto.

     Asante Haughton

                 Public speaker and human rights
                  activist focused on looking at
                  mental health through the prism
                  of racism.

     Dr. Myrna Lashley

                 Assistant Professor in the
                  Department of Psychiatry,
                  McGill; and researcher at the
                  Lady Davis Institute for Medical

     President Natan Obed

                 President of the Inuit Tapiriit
                  Kanatami, and former Director of
                  Social and Cultural Development
                  for Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Media inquiries:

Jacqueline Michelis

SOURCE Bell Canada