- Textile, Individual Equipment, Clothing
Elfiko S.A., is a Textile industry, specializing in dyeing, finishing and merchadizing of fabrics and clothes. The Company ELFIKO Limited Commercial Industrial Company was established in 1973 (Greek Gazette, issue on S.A. and LTD. 1376/9.7.73) initially with the name KOULOULIA BROS. S.A. and later renamed ELFIKO S.A.
Company's capabilities include:
- Industrial production and sale of every type of fiber (cotton, wool, synthetic, etc)
- Weaving, knitting and manufacturing of all types of fabric, its sale and processing, and industrial production and sale of all types of textile manufactured product
- Importation and sale of raw materials pertaining to the above products
- Importation and sale of machinery pertaining to the manufacturing of the above products and representation in Greek and foreign Houses
- Conduct all types of Maritime Commerce and mainly the purchase, sale, construction, renting, chartering, and management of all types of ship, boat, floating dock and every navigable means, and the transport of personnel and all types of merchandise by sea
- Organization and operation of tourist enterprises and related facilities, tourist trips, representation of Greek and foreign tourist companies and offices, representation of transportation companies in Greece and abroad, as well as the practice of every type of tourist enterprise and activity
- Construction of apartment blocks or other buildings with the purpose of reselling them according to the provisions of the Greek Law 3741/1929, articles 1002 and 1117 of the Greek civil code and the provisions of the Greek Law in force.
- General manufacturing of ready to wear garments
- Investing in all types of companies and enterprises
The Company can proceed to manufacture and process fibers or fabrics or ready-to-wear clothes on behalf of third parties with its own raw materials or that of the third parties (FACON).
Initially the Company was involved only with the production of cotton and mixed fabrics. In 1976, it expanded its activity to include dyeing and refinement of fabrics.
Company has the following licenses:
- Approval of the environmental conditions of the factory according to the decision of the Greek Ministry of Public Works & the Environment -Gen. Directorate Environment - Industrial Sector- no. 47546/26.9
- License to produce 1,4 MW of Electrical Energy according to the decision of the Greek Ministry of Development, Gen. Directorate of Energy - Directorate of Electrical Production
- Certification on 7/1/99 from the Greek Ministry of Public Order -Fire Department of Oinofyta (Attica, Greece), certifying that the Company meets fire safety standards and security precautions, as required by the existing provisions of the Greek fire safety Law
Elfiko is also one of the biggest suppliers of clothing to the Greek Armed Forces.
Elfiko S.A.
- Viotias, Shimatari, Greece
- +30 2262058301