Last Update September 18, 2018


  • Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, Spacecraft & related equipment
  • C4I, Communication Systems
  • Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
  • Mechanical, Electro-mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic components
  • Metal Processing, Parts & Components
  • Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
  • Textile, Individual Equipment, Clothing
  • Training & Simulation

ESRA - Engenharia, Servicos e Representacao Aeronautica Ltda., member of American Chambers of Commerce of Sao Paulo and FIESP/CIESP Organs, was established in 1991 in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo State to developing aeronautical products and services for the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) at first. During the time our performance started to extend and today we are the main supplier of the Armed Forces. Currently ESRA has commercial structures in Belo Horizonte, MG and Belem, PA also in the central and north regions of the country to do maintenance and repairs in ground support equipment and landing gears, to supply aeronautical parts and equipment’s and to manufacture aerospace weld, flight helmets - the only manufacturer in the South America - and cradles of engine.

Our policy has for objective the satisfaction of our clients and a good relationship with our suppliers looking for a partnership. For this reason we work based on AQS and ISO 9001 rules besides a strict control of the products and services quality. ESRA Engenharia Aeronautica has been working hardly for 11 years to build solid and respectable name in the Armed Forces and aviation market.

ESRA Engenharia Servicos e Representacao Aeronautica Ltda. - Pictures

Contact info #1

Sidiney de Godoy
+55 12 3934 8289
+55 12 393 17213
Rua Loanda, 982 - Chacaras Reunidas, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP - 12238-330, Brazil

Contact info #2

Karina Gastalle
+55 12 393 48289
+55 12 393 17213
Rua Loanda, 982 - Chacaras Reunidas, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP - 12238-330, Brazil


ESRA Engenharia Aeronáutica acts in the repair and deep modification of the hydraulic and mechanical wheels of displacement of helicopters as the 355 - Bell, Bk117 and others since 1994. Our maintenance of hydraulic sector is capable to repair and if necessary to reconstruct the damaged part of the equipment improving its performance and durability. The components are manufactured by ESRA and put at the disposal of the customers for delivery in up to 72 hours.

The repaired wheels receive guarantee of 01 year plus orientation material on the correct procedures of use in order to extend its useful life. Before the delivery, the equipment are tested with a load of up to 6 tons during 48 hours guaranteeing the customer that its wheel is in perfect conditions of use and functioning. Details as these that make of ESRA a company capable to offer products and trustworthy services with quality to its customers. That is why we are the supplier of companies as Helibras S/A, Eurocopter, the Military Policies of the States of Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goias, Para, Federal District, Aeromil, Unimed, Real Bank, LRC, amongst others. ESRA Engenharia Aeronautica uses all its structure to search the best solution, with the adjusted quality, looking for the total satisfaction of its customers, as well as collaborating with the national technological development.


The aerospace weld is one of the services offered for ESRA ENGENHARIA AERONAUTICA. Following the norms international we carry through welds in materials as titanium, aluminum and steel. The inspection is made by magnetic particles, penetrating liquid and X rays providing maximum quality and guarantee of the service in new products or repairs. These cares prevent imperfections that can cause the loss of the aircraft, its main components, the command of flight, imperfections in the system of armaments and fuel tanks and cause high tensions of fatigue or impact. Beyond the national and international norms the company has internal procedures to guarantee still more the quality of the services.

For in such a way, ESRA only has a special room only for these services with controlled temperature and relative humidity for each type of weld and material, modern equipment to propitiate the total control of the welding parameters. Also the employees who operate these equipment have more than 30 years of experience what guarantees the perfection of the weld. For the repair of tubular structures we use equipment of ultrasound for measures of material discontinuity (imperfections) and the boroscope for the verification of the internal conditions. Everything always aiming at the security, the quality and the satisfaction of our customers.


ESRA develops under technique specification or in agreement of the customer verified necessities, engineering projects in order to solve problems of integrated communication and security. The company has capacity to create and implant projects in the public security, military, paramilitary and governmental areas. Projects that involve since a simple surveillance system via radio until great systems of transmission/receiving with images, audio, biometrics systems of face recognition, data and images storage, links for aircraft and integration of the system with GPS. Everything with digital quality.

All the developed products and services are supplied to size the customers, not importing its dimension. And since the beginning it is forecasted magnifying, preexisting systems or new technologies incorporations. The quality and robustness of the products and equipment that the ESRA uses in the engineering projects development allow a low cost of maintenance.

The company’s policy consists in the customers total satisfaction thus ESRA works under of the AQS and ISO9001 rules standards. Besides partnerships and representations with serious, competent and leader companies in its respective markets/business. For these reasons like these ESRA has its name solid and respectable in the aeronautical and military market for 12 years.


The EPH communication system has the following exclusives' characteristics:

  • Microphone M-87 or M-101/AIC for militaries aircraft with fixed wings or helicopters;
  • Microphone M-7A with noise attenuation for civilian or polices aircraft;
  • Headphones with impedance range from 19 to 1200 ohms;
  • Individual volume control of level noise. Standard to helicopters, optional for fixed wings aircraft;
  • Active Noise Reduction optional. It provides a noise attenuation from 12 to 17 dB in the frequency zone from 200 to 5000 Hz. It can be portable or mounting in the aircraft;
  • Connection cable flexible and extensible, standard to helicopters;
  • Exclusive system of ear protection;
  • Exclusive system of microphone position;
  • Installation option of impedance alternator (high/low); for the phones and microphones;
  • Portable connection equipment in the helmet to use at external missions.


The EPH communication system has the following exclusives' characteristics:

  • Exclusive system of ear protection;
  • Headphones with impedance range from 19 to 1200 ohms;
  • Active Noise Reduction optional. It provides a noise attenuation from 12 to 17 dB in the frequency zone from 200 to 5000 Hz. It can be portable or mounting in the aircraft;
  • Support for Oxygen Mask


The EPH communication system has the following exclusives' characteristics:

  • Microphone M-87 or M-101/AIC for militaries aircraft with fixed wings or helicopters;
  • Microphone M-7A with noise attenuation for civilian or polices aircraft;
  • Headphones with impedance range from 19 to 1200 ohms;
  • Individual volume control of level noise. Standard to helicopters, optional for fixed wings aircraft;
  • Active Noise Reduction optional. It provides a noise attenuation from 12 to 17 dB in the frequency zone from 200 to 5000 Hz. It can be portable or mounting in the aircraft;
  • Connection cable flexible and extensible, standard to helicopters;
  • Exclusive system of ear protection;
  • Exclusive system of microphone position;
  • Installation option of impedance alternator (high/low); for the phones and microphones;
  • Portable connection equipment in the helmet to use at external missions;
  • Support for Oxygen Mask;
  • Exclusive system of support of Night Vision Googles.


ESRA developed an exclusive system of communication to be connected in the helmets of Road Patrol allowing an agile, efficient and fast communication between the user and the Base.

ESRA Engenharia Servicos e Representacao Aeronautica Ltda.

  • Rua Loanda, 982 Chacaras Reunidas, SP 12238 330, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
  • +55 12 393 48289
  • +55 12 393 17213
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