- CBRN Equipment
- Other Aerospace, Defence and High Technology related companies
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
ASINAL LTDA., is a company dedicated to providing specialized services related to monitoring, sampling, laboratory analysis, food consulting, raw material safety, bio security, water treatment and environmental impact studies. As a market leader company providing quality assurance services to the aforementioned sectors, ASINAL LTDA. is aiming to become a high technology center of applied research, in order to support organizations in solving environmental problems and food security issues. ASINAL LTDA. is working towards achieving internationalization in the Andean, Caribbean and Central American regions.
ASINAL LTDA. is a private company founded in Colombia, during the early 80's, with the purpose of becoming an ally to the industry, facilitating quality control on the products delivered to the public, and getting involved in environmental impact issues. The Company’s commitment to quality and innovation has led it to advanced technological upgrades, through international contacts aiming to satisfy market’s needs.
ASINAL LTDA. has a solid and strong partnership with a sister company named RECOIN ALFA LTDA., which distributes, commercializes and represents several companies from the United States, Canada and Europe. Among the companies represented are:
NASCO - Produces bags for testing activities.
VICAM - Produces mycotoxin columns and listeria & Salmonella fast-tests analysis.
LOVIBOND - Laboratory Equipment for water control.
WEILER - Food industry equipment.
AES LABORATORY - Microbiology & chemistry equipment.
SCP-SCIENCE - Produces protein digesters.
For several years ASINAL LTDA. saw self-development as a tool to compete in the market and create core capabilities. About 20 years ago the organization started creating and managing its own customized communication and process management systems, through a software named ASINAL.
Through the years, the Company’s operations grew and there was a need for more sustainable, efficient and trustable ways to ensure customers’ reliability. The development of in-house laboratory software, that began in a DBASE platform and transformed into a complete web site platform environment, has allowed ASINAL LTDA. to offer on-line services among other applications.
The software was developed in order to address particular issues, namely to improve statistical control processes. This customize software has been important for the Company since it is suited to its specific business needs, allowing to work remotely from any location worldwide.
Contact info #1
Contact info #2
Physical – Chemical Analysis
ASINAL LTDA. has been a leading private company in Colombia in the implementation of advanced technological techniques, such gas chromatography with applications to the food and environmental sectors.
More specifically, ASINAL LTDA. provides services, such as:
- Raw material and final product bromatological analysis,
- Nutritional table contents according to current regulations,
- Physical-Chemical drinkable water analysis,
- Additives evaluation,
- Mining determination,
- Physical-Chemical evaluation on alcoholic drinks,
- Food contaminants (metals) evaluation,
- Mycotoxin determination on raw material and cereals.
Special analysis:
- Meat species determination and vitamin analysis,
- Industrial waste water analysis,
- Determination of contaminants on water and soil,
- Environmental sampling,
- Mud evaluation,
- Petroleum industrial waste water analysis,
- Testing and environmental studies.
Microbiological Analysis
With regard to the identification of biohazard residues and components, ASINAL LTDA. provides an extensive portfolio of specialized services, heading to recognize and diagnose different type of pathogen bacteria that are able to cause health damage to consumers associated to FBI (Food Borne Illness), with symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomit, dehydration and even death.
Industrial & Food Analysis:
- Determination of micro-organisms and pathogens in raw material, processes and final products,
- Efficacy evaluation of sanitization programs (hands, surfaces and environments),
- Evaluation of germicide activity,
- Commercial sterility testing on canned, bottled or sterilized products,
- Verification of good manufacturing practices on food, industrial cafeterias and institutional feeding services.
Services Offered to the Aerospace & Defence Sectors
Among the services ASINAL LTDA. is authorized to offer to the aerospace and defense sectors are:
- Monitoring, laboratory testing and evaluation of environmental impact,
- Determination of the fuel and oil quality, using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry technology,
- Monitoring/analysis of the used engine oils on different type of vehicles, in order to optimize maintenance and predict lifetime,
- Monitoring/analysis of the water quality for drinking and food purposes,
- Monitoring food quality,
- Bio security & bio terrorism control through food quality control and sanitary security,
- Monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the waste water residues,
- Explosive residues analysis on ground water and soil, using GC-MS,
- Anti-doping testing for cocaine, weed, heroine, amphetamines, LSD, alkaloid,
- Drug control testing on materials,
- Determination of heavy metal residues on food, blood and raw material,
- Investigation and research of active ingredients of natural origin for the military industry.
NATIONAL SCHOOL OF CADETS “General Santander” (Colombia)
Swimming pool water testing, through microbiological and chemical analysis.
MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, Air Force Department (Colombia)
Drinkable water testing, through microbiological and chemical analysis.
MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, Western Air Force (Colombia)
Waste water testing, through microbiological and chemical analysis.
Asinal Ltda.
- Calle 10 SUR #41 27, Cundinamarca, Bogota, Colombia
- +57 1 720 9755
- +57 1 720 2144
- asinal@asinal.com
- www.linkedin.com/company/asinal-ltda-recoin-alfa-ltda