- Other Aerospace, Defence and High Technology related companies
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO, is a public institution of higher education specialized in the formation of professionals in technology. It is an acknowledged institution acting with transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and social responsibility, using high quality personnel, and implementing information technology and communications as well as innovative strategies aimed at strengthening the Colombian education system.
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO is certified under ISO 9001:2008 and NTC GP1000:2009 Quality Management Certifications.
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO is a public institution for higher education, committed to the integral development of human talent that is capable of applying and disseminating technologies that respond to the needs of the productive and social sectors in the Caribbean Region.
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO aims to be recognized as a modern higher education institution with a high level of sustainability as well as a leader in Colombia in the generation of pre-university courses, which promote equitable access to higher education and research and development activities that contribute to the development of the Caribbean Region.
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO aims to promote the development of knowledge through innovative social, cultural, technical, technological and scientific programs seeking to meet the needs of the community. It also encourages interaction between the Institution and the productive sector through advisory and consulting services and innovative social projects in the Caribbean Region:
Encouragement and promotion of the culture of internationalization,
Management and permanent monitoring of its strategic guidelines,
Incorporation of the dimension of internationalization in mission processes.
Creation of alliances, agreements and connections with international academic and productive networks,
Promotion of the participation in international meetings so as to be recognized internationally,
Promotion of international academic mobility,
Double degree programs management.
Contact info #1
Contact info #2
Academic Programs
The ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO offers high quality academic programs in the branches of Soledad, Barranquilla, and Sabanalarga:
Electromechanical maintenance,
Commercial and industrial electrical installation maintenance,
Installation and maintenance of electrical power networks,
Operation of industrial processes,
Food processing,
Maintenance of computer systems,
Installation and maintenance of telecommunication networks,
Industrial electronic maintenance,
Foreign trade operations,
Business process operation,
Tourist operation,
Graphics and multimedia production.
CIP - Centro de Investigaciones y Proyectos
The CIP - Centro de Investigaciones y Proyectos, manages, coordinates and promotes the investigation processes of the ITSA - INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE SOLEDAD ATLANTICO through the interaction of different environments, namely, the financial, production, technology and scholar sectors and supported by qualified and competent human talent for the strengthening of the local industry and the creation of new technology-based companies:
Information Communication and Promotional Services,
Relations Services,
Management Services,
Consulting Services.
Technology Audits,
Technological Improvement,
Technology Supervision,
Technological Innovation.
Electrical Installations,
Electromechanical Maintenance,
Electro - Electronics,
Business Management,
Foreign Trade and International Business.
The ITSA EMPRENDE Entrepreneurship Unit is a research center, whose purpose is to raise awareness, promote and support entrepreneurship through advisory and consulting services in the field of entrepreneurship and business creation, contributing to local, regional and national development.
CERES - Centros Regionales de Educación Superior
The CERES - Centros Regionales de Educación Superior, is a government strategy aiming to bring higher education to places where there is no educational provision, seeking to create social, economic and human opportunities at the same time.
The CERES - Centros Regionales de Educación Superior, was born as a partnership of the government, the productive sector, as well as higher education institutions and civil society organizations, namely:
Instituto Tecnológico de Soledad, ITSA,
Universidad del Atlántico,
Universidad Simón Bolívar,
Universidad Autónoma del Caribe,
Corporación Universitaria de la Costa,
Corporación Universitaria Latinoamericana,
Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Salamanca,
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia,
Ministerio de Educación Nacional,
Gobernación del Atlántico,
Alcaldía de Sabanalarga,
Alcaldía de Galapa,
Alcaldía de Sabanagrande,
Alcaldía de Santo Tomas,
Alcaldía de Palmar de Varela,
Alcaldía de Candelaria,
Alcaldía de Baranoa,
Alcaldía de Usiacurí,
Alcaldía de Remolino,
Alcaldía de Sitionuevo,
Asociación Colombiana de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas, Empresas - ACOPI Seccional Atlántico,
Caja de Compensación Familiar - Combarranquilla,
Asociación de Alternativas Bióticas,
Asociación Municipal de Usuarios Campesinos Baranoa - AMUCB.
Instituto Tecnologico de Soledad Atlantico - ITSA
- Calle 18 No. 39 100, Soledad, Atlantico, Colombia
- (57) (5) 311 2370
- (57) (5) 3112379