- Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, Spacecraft & related equipment
- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- IT, Computing and Software
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation, Targeting, Surveillance
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
ESC, is a European company with offices in Munich, Vienna and Prague. ESC aerospace laboratories (including HAES CCUAS LABS - The Hacker Model Prod. and Evolving Systems' Competence Center for Unmanned Aerial Systems) are headquartered in Prague.
ESC specializes in electronics, especially embedded microcontrollers, data transmission and microwave high frequency applications. ESC is developing 4 UAV production lines (HAES 90, 400, 700 and HAES Scanner) in 2010. ESC’s R&D development in Unmanned Control Systems (ESCUCS) includes S&A Collision Avoidance System; UAS Ground Segment modules compliant with STANAG 4586 w/ C2 integration; long-term aims also include UGV and even UUV.
ESC is active in space projects (incl. ESA projects) - flight software for various satellite payloads, GSE software, data processing.
Flight software programming for various satellite on-board instruments:
Flight Software (Startup SW & Application SW) for ESA’s SWARM Microaccelerometer MAC04 for an Microaccelerometer Instrument MAC04 for the Earth‘s Magnetic field and environment Explorer SWARM.
Participation in GSTP program with AO6052, project "Reusable Payload On Board SW Framework" (tbc).
GSE (Ground Support Equipment) software programming:
Ground Support Equipment (GSE Test Equipment Software) Software for the MAC04.
Data Processing software:
Data processing ground segment software for SphinX - a fast Soft X-ray Spectrophotometer for the Russian Satellite CORONAS.
AO6050 IRIS System Design Phase B:
IRIS, element 10 of the ARTES programme, aims to develop a new Air-Ground Communication system for Air Traffic Management. It is the satellite-based solution for the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme.
Contact info #1
- From the idea to production application - we can help you find speedy, reliable and reasonably priced solutions
- Our team of highly specialised experts will support you in all phases of the project - from concept through implementation and testing to the plan for application in productive daily operation
- With the assistance of professional and consistent project controlling, we keep the price level to appropriate limits even for large-scale projects
- We work out concepts and strategies together with our customers and partners. Your advantage: We resolve your HW/SW issues - You concentrate on your core business
e.s.c has supported the data mining tools for NASA Solarsoft packages for FITS files. e.s.c delivers a viewer that could find and display all measurements over any period. Operator can
- process more millions measurements in relatively short time
- do data mining and query all measurements under some conditions. It is useful even for sensor diagnostics when an operator could query how many measurements have been done
- do complex queries
e.s.c is developing 4 UAV production lines in 2010. ESC’s R&D development in Unmanned Control Systems (ESCUCS) includes S&A Collision Avoidance System; UAS Ground Segment modules compliant with STANAG 4586 w/ C2 integration; long-term aims also include UGV and even UUV.
Four UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) production lines have been introduced within the
HAES Group:
- HAES 90
- HAES 400
- HAES 700
- HAES Scanner
There is a possibility in a long term vision to create new brand lines:
- HAES Bird
- HAES Solar
Two of above mentioned products are described below:
The HAES 400 is an autonomous aerial target used to provide a threat-representative target drone to support the Ground-to-Air Weapon System evaluation and test programs.
The HAES 400, manufactured by HAES Group (a joint venture of the companies Hacker Model Production and Evolving Systems Consulting), is constructed of carbon fiber and epoxy-based materials.
The HAES 400 is capable of speeds from 80 km/h (49 mph) to 400 km/h (244 mph) true airspeed at sea level. The drone can achieve flight altitudes from 30 m (100 ft) above ground level to 3,000 m (10,000 ft) mean sea level.
Maneuvers include G-turns up to 12 Gs, and other aerial acrobatic turns.
The drone is launched from a rail system. The drone can be recovered by a parachute recovery system. Recovered targets are repaired, tested and reused. The HAES 400 can carry a full range of current target payloads which include infrared and radar enhancements and a chaff/flare dispenser set.
A realistically moving aerial target provides efficient shooting practice and combat firing for anti-aircraft missile systems SHORAD/VSHORAD, thus improving the quality and efficiency of the gunner/operator training.
Two prototype targets have been built to date, in 2009 and February 2010.
General Characteristics of HAES 400 V1.2
- Primary function: Aerial target
- Prime Contractor: HAES Group (Hacker Model Production and Evolving Systems Consulting)
- Power plant: Combustion engine w/ propeller
- Wingspan: 1.9 meters (6.3 ft)
- Length: 1.35 meters (4.5 ft)
- Height: 0.56 meters (1.8 ft)
- Weight: 19 kg empty, 21.5 kg max.
- Speed: 400 km/h (244 mph)
- Ceiling: 3,000 meters (10,000 ft)
- Range: 30 km (18 mi)
- Cost: TBD
- Initial operating capability: TBD
- Inventory: Demonstrators, 2; Active force, 0
HAES 400 System overview
- Robust design of control SW
- Modular design of on-board HW
- Fully automatic operation mode
- NATO STANAG 4586 capable
HAES 400 Ground Segment
- Modular design of GSE
- Unlimited No. of connected UAVs / GSE devices
- Virtual fence restrictions
- Mission planning / real time re-planning
- Ability of flight with assistance
The HAES Scanner is a short endurance unmanned aircraft system. The HAES Scanner's primary mission is reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the operational commander. Surveillance imagery from video cameras and forward looking cameras are distributed in realtime.
The HAES Scanner is a system, not just an aircraft. A fully operational system consists of one aircraft (with sensors), a Ground Data Terminal, an Image Receiving System, a HAES Scanner Satellite Link, along with operations and maintenance crews for deployed 24-hour operations.
The basic crew for the HAES Scanner is a pilot and a payload operator. HAES Scanner follows a conventional launch sequence from a semi-prepared surface under direct line-ofsight control. The take-off distance is typically 50 m (165 ft) and landing 100 m (330 ft).
The mission is controlled through real-time video signals received in the Ground Data Terminal. Command users are able to task the payload operator in real-time for images or video on demand.
The surveillance and reconnaissance payload capacity is 10 kg (22 lb), and the vehicle carries electro-optical and infrared cameras. The aircraft can be equipped with sensors as the mission requires. The cameras produce full-motion video.
The system is composed of three major components, which can be deployed for operations in the field. The HAES Scanner aircraft can be disassembled and loaded into a container for travel.
The HAES Scanner system was designed in response to the needs of police and military to provide long-duration intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information.
It has many other uses: promotion, real estate sales, technical documentation of historic buildings, digs registration, comparison of geological changes, agriculture, detection of illegal buildings and junkyards, searching for missing persons or fugitives, measurement of concentrations of noxious gases, traffic monitoring, residential area monitoring, and security patrol.
General Characteristics of HAES Scanner V1.2
- Primary Function: Reconnaissance, airborne surveillance and target acquisition
- Contractor: HAES Group (Hacker Model Production and Evolving Systems Consulting)
- Power plant: Rotary engine w/ propeller; 1 x 11 hp
- Wingspan: 3 m (10 ft)
- Length: 2.15 m (7 ft)
- Height: 0.85 m (2.7 ft)
- Maximum takeoff weight: 25 kg (55 lb)
- Payload: 10 kg (22 lb)
- Speed: Cruise speed around 80 km/h (49 mph), maximum up to 150 km/h (92 mph)
- Range: 6.5 km (3.8 mi), limited by datalink range
- Ceiling: 1,000 m (3,300 ft)
- Endurance: 2 hr
- Crew (remote): Two (pilot, payload operator)
- GSE (ground segment): Two suitcases, containing pilot and payload operator consoles
- (GDT = Ground Data Terminal, IRS = Image Receiving System)
- Initial operational capability: March 2005
- Unit Cost: TBD (includes one aircraft, ground segment consoles, and HAES Scanner
- Satellite Link)
- Inventory: Demonstrator, 1; Active force, 1; Reserve, 1
19.09.2009 - HAES CCUAS LABS open doors
The Hacker Model Prod. and Evolving Systems' Competence Center for Unmanned Aerial
Systems Laboratories has been open for a public audience.
Product informational files
e.s.c is working on Flight software (Startup SW & Application SW) and GSE software (Test Equipment SW) for an Microaccelerometer Instrument MAC-04 for the Earth's Magnetic field and environment Explorer SWARM.
e.s.c delivers the complete software packet in all phases (Requirements and architecture design phase, Detailed design and implementation phase, Delivery and acceptance phase). Prime: Astrium GmbH, Integrator on the Czech side: VZLÚ a.s.
The ESA mission will provide the best ever survey of the geomagnetic field and its temporal evolution, in order to gain new insights into the Earth System by improving our understanding of the Earth’s interior and physical climate and the launch is mentioned for mid 2011.
Product informational files
Data processing Ground Segment software for SphinX - a fast Soft X-ray Spectrophotometer for the Russian CORONAS-PHOTON Solar Mission (Complex ORbital Observations Near-Earth of Activity of the Sun) in cooperation with Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the CR, v. v. i. e.s.c develops it for Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The purpose of software is to analyze and process incoming data dumps, downloaded from the Spacecraft operational center. The inputs for the processing are SphinX spectrometer science (X-ray) data and auxiliary data - housekeeping/ technological data and S/C position/orientation data.
Processed data will be accessible locally using the interactive visualization tool and remotely using web server (data catalogue and visualization). Launched on January 30, 2009.
IRIS, element 10 of the ARTES programme, aims to develop a new Air-Ground Communication system for Air Traffic Management.
It is the satellite-based solution for the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme. By 2020 it will contribute to the modernisation of air traffic management by providing digital datalinks to cockpit crews in continental and oceanic airspace.
- Integration and Process Automation of large IT Systems: Integration of the Security Management System (SMS) - Concept and execution of the merger between the savings banks in the KSV System. Test & Configuration Management of large scaled IT Systems.
- Architecture of Web-Applications, connected with Databases, running on a Mainframe: Internet Banking Architecture - a multi-channel platform for connecting of various distribution channels (HBCI, Web), connecting of cooperation partners (TxB, LBS) and provision of their services over the Internet, S-Internet banking architecture (savings banks’ Internet banking).
- RWE Rhein-Ruhr: implementation of the system Optimization of Energy Flows for the RWE collection centre in Ruhr Area. RWE Graphic modeling of the network of gauging points of the energy flows and their statistic evaluation; integration of customers and trade partners through the Internet.
Software for Autonomous fireball observatories. New features of software of the Autonomous fireball observatories were programmed in e.s.c house by a software expert for "Fireball network".
At present, there are two networks for observing of fireballs and bolids. The Czech fireball network has 11 autonomous observatories and is operated by scientists from Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the CR, v. v. i.
The Desert Fireball Network in Nullarbor in Western Australia has 4 autonomous observatories and is operated by scientists from Imperial College (London, UK) and WA Museum (Perth, Australia) with support of Czech scientists. The hardware of Autonomous fireball observatories is developed and assembled by Space Devices, Ltd.
Properties: Multi-thread application, moving parts control, CCD camera, video image processing, signal processing, remote access & configuration, autonomous data transfers, autonomous failure detection and recovery, e-mail alerts.
- We have in our team qualified software and hardware engineers, who have made several flight software kits as well as ground segment software and hardware for various satellites/flying vehicles. They are fit in real-time and embedded systems programming.
- Besides of that we have Software Architects, Database Engineers and good Test & Configuration Engineers.
- Our “Space” Engineers are familiar with ECSS-E-40B (Space Engineering – Software, Part 1B & Part 2B), our management also with ECSS-Q-20B (Quality Assurance), ECSS-Q-80B (SW Product Assurance) and ECSS-M-40B (Space Engineering – Configuration management), and other ECSS standards.
Field of specialization
- Embedded Software & Real-time Software & Control Systems & Navigation.
- Software Architecture & Design & Development & Programming.
- Embedded microcontrollers, data transmission and microwave high frequency applications.
- ECSS-E-40B Space Engineering – Software, Part 1B & Part 2B
- ECSS-E-70A Ground systems and operations - Part 1A & Part 2A
- ECSS-E-70-41A Space Engineering – Ground systems and operations — Telemetry and telecommand packet utilization
- ECSS-M-00-03A Risk management
- ECSS-M-40B Space Engineering – Configuration management
- ECSS-Q-20B Quality Assurance
- ECSS-Q-80B SW Product Assurance
Integration of the Security Management System (SMS, Sicherheitsmanagementsystem)
Brief description |
Concept and execution of the merger between the savings banks in the KSV System.
Technology | MVS / CICS / COBOL / Websphere / Java / CTG / XML / Webservices / SSL |
Internet Banking Architecture
Brief description |
New technologies, distribution channels and trade operations could not continue to be used with the existing technology
Description of solution |
A multi-channel platform for connecting of various distribution channels (HBCI, Web), connecting of cooperation partners (TxB, LBS) and provision of their services over the Internet, S-Internet banking architecture (savings banks' Internet banking)
Benefit for the customer |
Reduction in maintenance costs, better services for the end customer
Technology | MVS / CICS / Cobol / SQS / HBCI |
Network outsourcing of T-Systems and Rollout MPLS
Brief description |
Due to the heterogeneous server structures and obsolescent operating model, it was necessary to restructure the entire network
Description of solution |
Creation of a rollout of capable business processes in the context of outsourcing, implementation of detailed planning, pilot version and putting into operation
Benefit for the customer |
Homogenisation of server structures, innovative operating model with the aid of network outsourcing
Technology | MPLS / Enterprise Extender / Netbios over IP / DLsw for OS/2 and SNA |
esc Aerospace s.r.o.
- Nam. Dr. Holeho 1052/11, 180 00, 8, Prague, Czechia
- +420-284-683-784
- info@evolvsys.cz
- www.esc-aerospace.com