- Environmental Technologies
The need for a cleaner environment along with growing consciousness of the environmental impact and realization of its magnitude stirred Al-Wazzan Group of Companies towards laying the foundation for the growth of Challenge the ERA Company (CEC) - An Eco-pragmatic solution in dealing with the current and future challenges locally and globally. Al-Wazzan Group of Companies has an impressive 6 decade legacy of successfully incorporating innovative technology based solutions in their diverse industries.
CEC has been developed based on extensive and comprehensive studies conducted for over 5 years which culminated in to a 50 year strategy that aims to achieve Sustainable Development through some critical path models. CEC specializes in eco-friendly investments, industries, technologies, products, services, solutions including eco-awareness and education through its four divisions.
Great challenges make great generations - CEC focuses on the mitigation of complex environmental issues. CEC's strategy is to develop alternatives for the environmental challenges facing the universe to enhance economic growth without compromising on obligations towards the environment and to meet its present and future requirements in an environmental and social responsible approach, also focusing in reducing solid, liquid & gas waste including pollution especially Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
The Company's philosophy defines for greater continuous Eco-efficiency and conservation in the way it conducts business activities by setting the path to increase environment education and awareness to change the environmental behavior and understand issues of waste and pollution including Climate Change to increase public confidence in the industry's commitment to environmental protection.
CEC is much more than an environmental friendly company. Not only is subjected to Continuous Environment Commitment but also coined to Client's Endless Commitment. It aligns its business methodologies and practices with competency in environmental performance with Health, Safety and Environmental aspects forming the cornerstone in the way it operates and conducts its business and sets high standards of environment protection, CEC is Your Eco-Partner® providing complete Eco-solutions for your business and use.
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CEC is a general trading & contracting company specialized in Eco-friendly investments, industries, technologies, solutions, products, services, eco-awareness and education. CEC is capable to provide a full turnkey solution from conceptual design all the way to execution including operation & maintenance, etc in the oil & gas, petrochemical, energy & environment sectors. CEC main service is to reach a sustainable development in the State of Kuwait and the kuwaiti community for a better future.
Degradable Plastic Additives
CEC’s Degradable Additives for Plastics is the Eco-solution to meet all types of plastic applications and degradation requirements.
They are Cost effective Masterbatch additives to enable the disintegration of plastics which control disintegration speed and intensity.

Product informational files
Energy Conservation Unit (ECU)
ENERGY CONSERVATION UNIT is designed on the basis of technology that even though the rated voltage is specified by lamp manufacturers to start gas discharge lamps, the resulted arc can be started & stabilize at lower voltage also.
It has inherent capacity to save energy around 20% to 30%, it has shelf life of 15 to 18 years and simple to operate and suitable to deal with any unbalance load. The efficiency of impedance coil is >98.8%.
The combination of core design and coil construction is matched in such a way that it practically generate zero heat. The ECU is provided with suitable taps to manage output voltage according to requirements of the location.
Its normal range is from 15KVA – 1250KVA.

Product informational files
Solar Products
CEC provides innovative solutions in solar energy by providing off grid and on grid network solutions, conceptual and final designs, procurement and installation of solar innovative solutions for industrial, commercial and residential sectors. Following are some of the material’s CEC supplies and support services but not restricted or limited to only these products.
- Solar LED street lighting,
- Solar water heater,
- Photovoltaic Solar Panels with tracking system,
- Solar Powered Chemical Injection Skids,
- Concentrated Photovoltaic Solar Panels.

Wind Energy
Wind in atmosphere is found abundantly throughout different parts of region in a country according to its surrounding climate effects. Sun plays a major role in producing wind as sun radiation absorbs and reflected at different rates by various surfaces; e.g. land, water etc., thus creating the hot air to rise, substituting with cool air resulting in wind at different rates in the air.
- Wind turbine are designed and installed as per the project’s requirement. Wind turbine can also be integrated with solar panels to a system to give out a reliable renewable energy available alternatively.
- Grid connected and off grid connection turbine.
- Vertical and horizontal wind turbines.
- System component including such as (Dump load, Charge Controller, Battery Bank, System Meter, Main DC Disconnect Inverter, AC Breaker Panel, Kilowatt-Hour Meter, Backup Generator etc.).
Environment Friendly Products & Services
- CEC has a wide range of eco-friendly products to fit different users; for instance CEC has office user eco-friendly products like recycled pens & pencils, recycled mouse pads, recycled USBs etc., for the house users CEC provides organic detergents, degradable plastic bags, multi usage eco-friendly bags etc.
- CEC is actively involved in environmental business activities, practices, services, sales of eco-products, eco-awareness & education etc. through its divisions.

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
The Energy Conservation project at KOC proved that the energy saving unit achieved a 20% of electricity savings and the project was proved successful.
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
A Solar Water Heater System - was installed at KOC premises and 98% of electric savings was achieved.
Kuwait Environment Public Authority
Supply of various Eco-friendly products, Waste Segregation and collection Services.
Co-operative Societies
Environment Friendly Campaign (EFC) Phase 1 - One million recycle paper bags were distributed in 12 co-operative societies during a one month period.
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
Solar Powered Chemical Injection Skid was supplied to KOC Solar injection pumps which can replace gas-powered pumps to save gas losses and reduce methane emissions.
Challenge the Era Company W.L.L.
- P.O. Box:980, Al-Safat 13010, Kuwait, Kuwait
- +965 24920363/262
- +965 24920332
- info@imkan.com.kw
- www.q8co2.com