- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- IT, Computing and Software
ANURAG, was established on May 2nd 1988 to execute specific, time-bound projects/programs leading to the development of custom designed computing systems and software packages for numerical analysis and other applications, design and develop advanced computing systems, especially those based on state-of-the art concepts like parallel architectures, as well as associated systems and sub-systems, develop systems and application software packages for mission oriented tasks and build-up technology in these areas. Additionally, the Company is dedicated to forward-looking research and development and the creation of an environment and infrastructure that foster such advanced research leading to the application of advanced computing concepts and technologies.
Advanced Numerical Research & Analysis Group (DRDO)
- Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) Ministry of Defence Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad, India
- +914024347630
- +914024347679
- director@anurag.drdo.in
- www.drdo.gov.in/labs-establishment/contact-us/advanced-numerical-research-analysis-group-anurag