- Aircraft, Helicopter, UAV, Spacecraft & related equipment
- C4I, Communication Systems
- Electrical, Electronics & Electro-optics
- Services (R&D, training, engineering, consultancy, …)
- Training & Simulation
SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS GROUP (SAG) was established in 1963 for evolving new scientific methods for design and analysis of communication systems. It was situated in Central Secretariat Complex and consisted of 12 scientists. This group was placed under direct control of Chief Controller (R&D) in 1973 and became a full-fledged Directorate in R&D R&D Headquarters.
In 1976, SAG started undertaking R&D projects on mathematical, communication and speech analysis. Due to the increasing responsibilities of SAG, the manpower component of SAG underwent expansion and additional accommodation was allotted to SAG at Metcalfe House Complex. SAG was further entrusted with R&D work in the field of electronics. Work related to evaluating communication equipment to be introduced in Services was taken up during 1980. The manpower structure was again revised and the electronic facilities were enhanced. Presently SAG is housed in two independent buildings with a total manpower of 140 scientists/technical and other staff.
Scientific Analysis Group (SAG)
- Metcalfe House, 110 054, New Delhi, India
- 011 23812683
- 011-23819828, 011-23812695
- director@sag.drdo.in
- www.drdo.gov.in/labs-and-establishments/scientific-analysis-group-sag